WORKSHOP 6 - 2001

September 28-29, 2001
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA

Complete information is available on line by accessing the menu at the bottom of this page; or you may request this material via email at
The Sixth Workshop on Case Studies of Bayesian Statistics will take place on September 28 and 29 2001 at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. All activities will take place in the University Center on the campus of CMU. The Workshop will feature in-depth presentations and discussions of substantial applications of Bayesian statistics to problems in science and technology, and poster presentations of contributed papers on applied Bayesian work. In conjunction with the workshop, the Department of Statistics' Sixth Morris H DeGroot memorial lecture will be delivered by Sir David Cox.
Contributed poster abstracts are due September 1, 2001. After a refereeing process, selected contributed papers will be published, together with the major case studies, in the sixth volume of Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics. Abstracts should be submitted here.
The previous five Workshops provided extended presentation and discussion on diverse topics. The cumulative list of invited papers in past workshops is available here.
The organizing committee of the Sixth Workshop includes Alicia Carriquiry, Constantine Gatsonis, Andrew Gelman, David Higdon, Rob Kass, Donna Pauler and Isa Verdinelli.
Limited travel support is available to workshop participants and we especially want to encourage young researchers, women, underrepresented minorities, and the handicapped to attend and apply for support.

(The links will be activated as information becomes available)
General Information
About Pittsburgh Invited Case Studies Registration
Accommodations Manuscript Preparation To submit an abstract
Contributed Papers Participants (not available) Transportation
Deadlines Poster Session Workshop Agenda
DeGroot Lecture Directions to CMU Directions to Holiday Inn

Organized by:
Alicia L. Carriquiry Constantine Gatsonis Andrew Gelman
David Higdon Robert E. Kass Donna Pauler
Isabella Verdinelli

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