We expect some travel support to be available. New researchers, women
and minorities are especially encouraged to request support. With the
limitation in travel funds in mind, please indicate:
- how much support you would like to obtain from the workshop,
- the absolute minimum amount of support you would need in
order to attend.
Members of the organizing committee for Bayesian
Workshop 6 are: Alicia Carriquiry, Constantine Gatsonis,
Andrew Gelman, David Higdon, Rob Kass, Donna Pauler and Isa Verdinelli. |
should be submitted via this web page or by email (see
contact info below) |
Direct questions about the substantive issues
of the workshop to:
Direct questions about arrangments or registration to Michele Agie:
Contact Information |
mail: | | Bayesian Workshop |
| | Department of Statistics |
| | Carnegie Mellon University |
| | Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 |
| | |
Phone: | | (412) 268-2717 |
Fax: | | (412) 268-7828 |