The Contributed Paper Poster Session will be held in the McKenna/Peter/Wright rooms on Friday and in Ballroom 1 on Saturday. There will be approximately 50 contributed papers which will be available for viewing and informal discussion. All posters will be on display immediately following the DeGroot Lecture and Reception, and again following the dinner on Friday. On Saturday, they will be available from 11:45-1:00.
The posters consist of three panels; the center panel is 24" wide by 36" high, the end panels are 12" wide. Glue and scissors will be provided. No copier will be available, so please bring copies of your manuscript for distribution.
You may assemble your presentation in the Dowd Room between 12:00 and 1:00 (during registration), or between 5:30 and 6:00 (after the DeGroot Lecture) on Friday. The posters must be moved between 5:30 and 6:00 to the McKenna/Peter/Wright Rooms. No copier will be available, so please bring copies of your manuscript for distribution.
Page Layout
Poster Layout
Complete instructions for submissions for the proceedings will be available at the conference.
If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Sestrich at 412-268-2718 or