Morris H. DeGroot Memorial Lecture

Sir David Cox will present the Sixth Morris H. DeGroot Memorial Lecture, given in conjunction with the 2001 Workshop.
"An Issue of Public Policy and Its Implications"

Abstract: Bovine Tuberculosis, while rare in the UK, is increasing and the reasons for this are not well understood. The source may lie partly in infection in associated wild-life populations. Investigation of these issues raises many statistical problems of design, analysis and model building as well as, ultimately, the need to give advice for decision-making by individual farmers and by Government. Some of these issues will be discussed.

Past DeGroot lecturers have been Adrian F.M. Smith, A. Philip Dawid, James O. Berger, Bradley Efron and Persi Diaconis.

Morris H. DeGroot
June 8, 1931 to November 2, 1989
Morris H. DeGroot came to Carnegie Mellon as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics in 1957 and was appointed founding Head of the Department of Statistics in 1966. In 1984, Morrie was named University Professor, which is the highest honor Carnegie Mellon bestows on a faculty member.
Morrie led an unusually active and productive academic life. He wrote three books, edited four volumes and authored over one hundred papers. He was the recipient of several awards, including the Otto Wirth Award for outstanding scholarship from the Roosevelt University Alumni Association. He was an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the International Statistical Institute, the Econometric Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Most of his research was on the theory of rational decision-making under uncertainty.
His Optimal Statistical Decisions helped educate a generation of statisticians and is one of the great books in the field. Published in 1970 and subsequently translated into both Russian and Polish, it provided an elegant and comprehensive treatment of a subject that has since come to be recognized as an essential part of statistics and of science as a whole. In 1975, his undergraduate text Probability and Statistics was published. A model of what a textbook should be, it played an important role in mathematical statistics curricula throughout the country.

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