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Poster Presentations
Tuesday, June 7th
Anupam Bhardwaj -
A statistical study of non-linearity in the Leavitt laws for classical Cepheids
Eric B. Ford - The occurance rate of systems with tightly-spaced inner planets (STIPs) with Approximate Bayesian Computing
Zhao Guo -
Bayesian model comparison and application of JAGS/STAN in binary star research
Jeremy Hare -
Machine-learning approach to multi-wavelength classificationof high-energy sources
Jack Ireland -
Optimizing the combination of images from multiple rotated detectors for the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager
Karl Jaehnig - The structural evolution of forming and early stage star clusters
Shashi Kanbur -
A Bayesian approach to searching for nonlinearity in the Cepheid period-luminosity relation
Rhea Kapoor - An efficient method for the statistical prediction of astronomical objects
Michael Kirk -
Blind denoising techniques applied to solar images
Dusan Marceta - Mutual centennial cycles in the solar activity and the Earth’s rate of rotation
Gregory Martinez -
Statistical challenges of stellar orbital fitting in the Galactic Center
Kathryn McKeough -
Outlining extended objects in deconvolved posterior mean images
Chow-Choong Ngeow -
Applying survival analysis on Cepheid period-luminosity relation at 70μm
Michal Pawlak -
Hierarchical machine learning classification of the eclipsing binaries in the OGLE project
Barbara J. Thompson - Results from persistence mapping of solar imager data
Wednesday, June 8th
Eduardo Balbinot - Predicting the number of cold streams in the Galaxy
Foivos Diakogiannis -
A non-parametric solution to the core/cusp problem using evolutionary algorithms
Gwendolyn Eadie -
The effects of measurement uncertainties and high velocity satellites on the mass estimate of the Milky Way
Raphaël Errani - Constraining the distribution of dark matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies and their tidal streams through non-equilibrium Bayesian modelling
Leonardo Ferreira -
Morphometry and Supervised Classification Degradation with Redshift: a case study for SDSS, DES and HST
Gantcho Gantchev - Structure functions of luminous blue variables in M33
Tom Loredo -
Light curve demography via Bayesian functional data analysis
Elizabeth Martinez-Gómez - The issue of stability in low-mass disk galaxies under MOND theory based on a Bayesian framework
Christina Peters - The quasar luminosity function without spectra using classication by color and variability
Sahar Rahmani -
Mining in nearby galaxies
Dootika Vats -
Multivariate output analysis for Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Geert Verdoolaege -
Geodesic least squares regression with applications to astrophysical data
Thursday, June 9th
Jean Ballet -
Weighted logLikelihood for Fermi gamma-ray analysis
Rasmi Elasmar -
Computer vision experiments in crowdsourced astronomy
V. Zachary Golkhou - Uncovering meaningful timescales of astrophysical phenomena
Changhoon Hahn -
Approximate Bayesian Computation in large scale structure: constraining the halo-galaxy connection
David Keitel -
Statistical challenges in gravitational-wave astronomy
Karen Leighly - SimBAL: A spectral synthesis approach to analyzing broad absorption line quasar spectra
Carolina Nuñez -
Photometric selection of a luminous red galaxy catalog with z ≥ 0.55
Austin Peel -
Cosmological constraints from peak counts in a Euclid-like simulation
Maria Elidaiana da Silva Pereira -
Density profiles of galaxy clusters in the CFHT Stripe 82 survey from weak gravitational lensing
István Rácz -
Spectral classification of Fermi GRBs
Evan Tucker - A Bayesian approach for fitting galaxy spectra with an integrated light population synthesis model
Benjamin Weiner -
Fitting sparse composite models of galaxy star formation histories
Peter Williams - Using Gaussian mixture models to identify lensed quasars