Data Science and Knowledge Transfer for
21st Century Health-Care Delivery

IEEE ICHI 2020 Half-Day Workshop, 30 November 2020,
9am - noon EST, virtual event

In light of the current COVID-19 outbreak, the IEEE ICHI 2020 conference has been postponed to a later date. It is now scheduled to take place 30 November - 3 December 2020 from 9am - noon EST (15:00 - 19:00 CET) as a virtual event.

Participation for non-authors is free of charge. Registration is available at this address.


Welcome to our inaugural workshop “Data Science and Knowledge Transfer for 21st Century Health-Care Delivery”, which is part of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2020).

Our speakers will discuss how information systems can foster on-the-job training of data science concepts and knowledge transfer in the health-care sector, facilitate the exchange of information among clinicians, and support long-term retention and assessment of institutionalized knowledge.

We wish to bridge the gap between advances in data science and medical practitioners’ knowledge, how to build systems that can systematize informal knowledge sharing in institutions, and how to use data analytics iteratively to improve these systems.


Workshop Length: 9am - noon EST (3 hours)

Keynotes (1hr)

Rayid Ghani - "Data Science for Fair and Equitable Social Good"

Rayid Ghani is a Distinguished Career Professor in the Machine Learning Department and the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. Rayid is a reformed computer scientist and wanna-be social scientist, focused on the use of large-scale AI/Machine Learning/Data Science in solving critical public policy and social challenges in a fair and equitable manner. Among other areas, Rayid works with governments and non-profits in policy areas such as health, criminal justice, education, public safety, economic development, and urban infrastructure. Rayid is also passionate about teaching practical data science and started the Data Science for Social Good Fellowship that trains computer scientists, statisticians, and social scientists from around the world to work on data science problems with social impact.

Slides Video Recording

Adam Landman - "Opportunities and Challenges using AI/Data Science to Improve Healthcare Delivery"

As Brigham Health's Vice President, Chief Information and Digital Officer, Adam Landman, MD, MS, MIS, MHS, is responsible for maintaining a focus on excellence while developing system-wide strategic IT initiatives, with the goal of evolving the next generation of information systems across the BH enterprise. Landman is board certified in Emergency Medicine and Clinical Informatics. He joined BWH in 2010 as director of Clinical Information in the Department of Emergency Medicine, where he led the project to move BWH ED clinicians from paper-based to electronic documentation. He previously served the hospital as the chief medical information officer for Health Information Innovation & Integration, where he oversaw a range of BH PeC responsibilities. He had also been driving efforts at both the local and industry levels to improve the experience of hospital patients and visitors, strengthening the innovation culture at BWHC through programs like the Innovation Hub, and collaborating with external digital health companies and start-ups.

Slides Video Recording

Panel Discussion on the Challenges of Data-Driven Public Health in the 21st century (45min)

  • Dr. Nirav S Shah, MD, MPH
    Medical Director of Quality Innovation and Clinical Practice Analytics
    Program Director of Outcomes Research for Quality and Transformation
    Division of Infectious Diseases - NorthShore University HealthSystem
    Clinical Assistant Professor - University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Slides
  • Dr. Nandita Khera, MD, MPH
    Consultant, Division of Hematology/Oncology
    Associate Professor of Medicine
    College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic
  • Dr. Niklas Keller
    Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Simply Rational
    Guest Researcher at the Charité University Hospital Berlin of the Charité Working Group on Data Science in Peri-Operative Care

Video Recording of Panel Discussion


  • Presentation on the lessons learned from developing and using a web-based platform, ISLE, to teach data science topics to a diverse audience (10min)
  • Papers (60min)
    1. Informing the Design of e-Learning Lessons on Data Science through Think-Aloud Experiments with Healthcare Professionals
      • Philipp Burckhardt - Carnegie Mellon University
      • Lindsay Graff - Carnegie Mellon University
      • Divya Venkat - Allegheny Health Network
      • Shiv Dua - Allegheny Health Network
      • Rema Padman - Carnegie Mellon University
    2. Translational Data Science - digitalization with laminated pocket cards
      • Niklas Keller - Simply Rational
      • Mirjam Jenny - Robert-Koch-Institut Berlin
      • Stephan Herzog - Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung Berlin
      • Claudia Spies - Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
      • Video Recording
    3. Chronic Kidney Disease Helper
      • Kasi Periyasamy - University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
      • Venkateswaran Iyer - Allina Health
    4. A Monte Carlo Simulation Model for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Interventions along the 'Diabesity' Pathway
      • Anita Lynam - University of Exeter
      • Doris A. Behrens - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
      • Enzo Di Battista - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
      • Daniel Gartner - Cardiff University
      • Paul Harper - Cardiff University
      • Slides Video Recording
  • Final remarks (5min)

Call for Submissions:

We cordially invite you to submit an extended abstract or short paper for the lightning talk poster presentation at the inaugural workshop “Data Science and Knowledge Transfer for 21st Century Health-Care Delivery”, which is part of the Eighth IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI 2020).

Abstracts are limited to two pages (including references), whereas submitted papers should not exceed five pages including references.

Accepted submissions will be included in the ICHI 2020 conference proceedings and made available via IEEE Xplore.

Submissions must adhere to the IEEE Proceedings Format available for LaTeX and Word (see detailed instructions) and should be submitted as a single PDF file. Please anonymize your submission before turning it in via EasyChair (double-blind review policy).

Submission Page


Philipp Burckhardt

Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Statistics & Data Science and principal developer of the Integrated Statistics Learning Environment (ISLE)

Rema Padman

Trustees Professor Of Management Science And Healthcare Informatics at the Heinz College’s School of Information Systems Management and School of Public Policy and Management