Remote Instruction
ISLE comes with various features for remote instruction, including real-time monitoring, video broadcasting, and a Q&A queue.
Students can perform the entire data analysis workflow without any coding
Comes with tools for use in class and out of class
Instructor can pose surveys and questions during class/lab
Broadcast video to students with real-time captions and a generated transcript
Instructors and students can take notes on lecture slides and upload them with a single mouse click
Storage of reproducible analysis steps for students/instructors
Instructors can summarize/visualize student responses for mediation, discussion, etc. in real-time
Chat allows students to communicate with each other; instructors can gather and answer questions
Student-driven case study data analyses with peer review and collaboration
Students can create data analysis reports and presentations (oral/posters) directly in ISLE
Rebecca Nugent on ISLE and democratizing data science at the Carnegie Mellon Future Summit:
ISLE comes with various features for remote instruction, including real-time monitoring, video broadcasting, and a Q&A queue.
Allows students to explore data sets via visualizations and summary statistics and comes with functionality to run hypothesis tests and fit basic statistical models. An integrated right-text editor with Markdown support allows students to practice writing data analysis reports.
ISLE makes it easy for users to collaboratively work together on data analyses and reports without having to rely on any external tools.
A drawing sketchpad for note taking on lecture slides or an empty canvas. Drawings can be automatically synced between the instructor and the students or among groups. All other ISLE components can be overlaid onto the sketchpad for interactive lectures.
ISLE contains pre-built widgets on topics such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, CLT, statistical distributions to text mining and image analysis.
Facilitation of communication between students through chats, peer review, and group work tools.
An online dashboard for students and instructors. Instructors can deploy, organize and monitor ISLE lessons, whereas students can keep track of their progress as they advance through a course.
A desktop-application that can be used to author ISLE lessons and deploy them online. Comes with a point-and-click interface to reuse existing components but also allows full customizability via HTML, CSS, and JS.
Please feel free to contact us to learn more about the ISLE system or to join forces on behavioral data science research. You can also run into us at the below places:
This thesis analyzes the impact of the digital revolution on pedagogy and distills opportunities of a blended-learning approach. It then discusses the principles of an interactive e-learning environment geared towards a contemporary statistics curriculum focused on the understanding of concepts and data analysis rather than mere number crunching.
The Integrated Statistics Learning Environment is a practical open-source implementation of the distilled principles. ISLE is a framework for e-learning instruction both inside and outside of the classroom.
Faculty, students, and staff are welcome to join and work on projects when available; the below includes current, regular members doing research with ISLE and/or using it in their classes.
The following faculty at other institutions have used ISLE in their classes or are working together with us on projects involving it:
The Southwest Respiratory and Critical Care Chronicles is offering supplementary ISLE materials for articles published in its statistics column starting with their April 2020 issue (Vol 8 No 34).
Should you have questions, please get in touch.
Answers to common questions are collected in our FAQ.