Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics
Workshop 8 - 2005

September 16-17
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA

The two invited papers to be presented at the workshop are:

Does the Effect of Micronutrient Supplementation
on Neonatal Survival Vary with Respect to the
Percentiles of the Birth Weight Distribution?

Full Paper as PDF
Francesca Dominici, Scott L. Zeger, Giovanni Parmigiani, Joanne Katz, and Parul Christian
Discussants: Sam Cook and David Ruppert.

Scientific Background: In developing countries, higher infant mortality is partially caused by poor maternal and fetal nutrition. Clinical trials of micronutrient supplementation are aimed at reducing the risk of infant mortality by increasing birth weight. Because infant mortality is greatest among the low birth weight infants (LBW) (less than 2500 grams), an effective intervention may need to increase the birth weight among the smallest babies. Although it has been demonstrated that supplementation increases the birth weight in a trial conducted in Nepal, there is inconclusive evidence that the supplementation improves their survival. It has been hypothesized that a potential benefit of the treatment on survival among the LBW is partly compensated by a null or even harmful effects among the largest infants.

Data: The methods in this paper are motivated by a double blind randomized community trial in rural Nepal (Christian et al 2003a,b). The investigators administered an intervention program to evaluate benefits of the following micronutrient supplementations: 1) folic acid, and vitamin A; 2) folic acid, iron, and vitamin A; 3) folic acid, iron, zinc, and vitamin A; 4) multiple nutrients and vitamin A. The control was vitamin A alone. Each micronutrient supplement was administered weekly to 1000 pregnant women, who ultimately delivered 800 live born infants approximately. Details on the study designs are illustrated in (Christian et al 2003a). The team measured the birth weight within 72 hours of delivery and then followed the infants for one year to determine whether or not they survived. In addition the team measured several characteristics of the mother (maternal age, parity, maternal height, arm circumference, etc) and of the infant (weight, length, head and chest circumference).

Scientific Questions:

  1. Is there a causal effect of the treatment on birth weight? Does this causal effect vary with respect to the percentiles of the birth weight distribution? Is it largest among the LBW infants?
  2. Is there a causal effect of the treatment on survival? Does this causal effect vary with respect to the percentiles of the birth weight distribution? Is it largest among the LBW infants?
  3. Is the effect of the treatment on survival mediated wholly or in part by increases in birth weight?
  4. Do these percentile-specific causal effects on birth weight and survival differ across the four micronutrients? Are some of the studied micronutrients harmful for the largest babies?

Complex Aspects of the Problem: The data analysis is challenged by measurement error and informative missing data in the main outcomes. In community-based interventions in developing countries, a large proportion of births occur in the home without assistance from trained birth attendants. Approximately 88% of the babies are measured within 72 hours of the delivery. The remaining 22% are measured between the 72 and the 2000 hours approximately. Hence, weights are obtained at varying times following birth and therefore they are imprecise measures of the ``true weight at birth.'' In addition, a high proportion of deaths of young infants occur in the first few hours of birth. If there is a delay in reaching the mother and infant, then many of these infants cannot be weighed because they have already died. Approximately 7% of the birth weight measurements are missing and among this 7%, 34% of the babies have died right after the delivery. These babies are likely to have been of lower birth weight than those who survived to be weighed, and therefore, these missing birth weights due to death are likely to be informative of birth weight. To overcome these challenges, we plan to develop a Bayesian measurement error model that allows us to estimate the ``true weight at birth'' for both the measurements made after the 72 hours and for the missing measurements as a function of the mother's characteristics and the vital status of the baby.

Bayesian approach with data augmentation for estimating percentile-specific causal effects: We plan to develop a Bayesian approach for causal inference for this case-study of micronutrient supplementation. Our approach integrates for the first time Bayesian methods and data augmentation (Tanner and Wong, 1987; Tanner 1991; Albert and Chib, 1993; Chib and Green 1998) with a causal model with counterfactuals and principal stratification (Rubin, 1878; Holland, 1986; Frangakis and Rubin, 2002). We first define causal parameters that measure the effects of an intervention on a clinical outcome (infant mortality) that are allowed to vary with the percentiles of the post-treatment variable (birth weight). Secondly, we implement the causal statistical framework of principal stratification (Frangakis and Rubin, 2002) to compare the causal ``direct'' effect of the treatment on mortality, from the causal effect of the treatment on mortality that is ``mediated'' by post-treatment changes in the birth weight. A Bayesian approach to causal inference is very attractive because we can: 1) calculate the posterior distributions of percentile-specific causal effects accounting for the uncertainty about the missing counterfactuals, measurement error, and missing data; and 2) investigate the sensitivity of causal inferences to key assumptions for which there are no direct observations in the data set.

Timeline for the completion of the work: We have recently submitted a manuscript ( where we define percentile-specific causal effects and present results of this case study for one multiple nutrient (iron, folic acid, and vitamin A) only. In the manuscript we would prepare for the 2005 Bayesian workshop, we would plan to: 1) extend our approach to account for measurement error and informative missingness in the birth weight variable; 2) assess sensitivity of the results with respect to the measurement error and the missing data models; 3) detail critical decisions in the model building, including the definition of causal percentile-specific parameters, the relationship between survival and birth weight, and the Bayesian implementation of principal stratification for estimating the direct and mediated effects; 4) assess the sensitivity of the results to modelling assumptions inherent to associations between observed data and the counterfactuals; 5) detail computational aspects of the Bayesian model with data augmentation; and finally 6) present and contrast the results with respect to the four multiple nutrients administered.

Public Health Impact: Currently recommendations exist for supplementing women with iron-folic acid during pregnancy in developing countries. This case study will provide critical information toward the evaluation and planning of these public health interventions. In fact, preliminary analyses of these data indicate that it is important to be, at the very least, cognizant of the differential beneficial effects of an intervention depending on where in the distribution the program participants fall and that an overall effect size may: 1) under-estimate the maximum likely benefit in the most malnourished individuals; and 2) incorrectly assume benefits where none exist and potentially mask harm in the more well-nourished individuals.

Non-statistician collaborators: Joanne Katz, Professor, Department of International Health and Parul Christian, Associate Professor, Department of International Health, all at Johns Hopkins University. Dr Christian and Katz are the co-investigators of the community-based trial in Nepal.


Albert, J.H. and Chib, S. (1993). "Bayesian Analysis of Binary and Polychotomous Response Data." Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88, 669--679.

Chib, S. and Greenberg, E. (1998). "Analysis of Multivariate Probit Models." Biometrika, 85, 347--361.

Christian, P., Khatry, S., Katz, J., Pradhan, E., LeClerq, S., Shrestha, S., Adhikari, R., Sommer, A., and West, K. (2003a). "Effects of alternative maternal micronutrient supplements on low birth weight in rural Nepal: double blind randomised community trial." British Medical Journal, 326, 1--6.

Christian, P., West, K., Khatry, S., Leclerq, S., Pradhan, E., Katz, J., Shrestha, S., and Sommer, A. (2003b). "Effects of maternal micronutrient supplementation on fetal loss and infant mortality: a cluster-randomized trial in Nepal." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 78, 1194--1202.

Frangakis, C.E. and Rubin, D.B. (2002). "Principal Stratification in Causal Inference." Biometrics, 58, 1, 21--29.

Holland, P. (1986). "Statistics and Causal Inference." Journal of American Statistical Association, 81, 945--960.

Rubin, D.B. (1978). "Bayesian Inference for Causal Effects: The Role of Randomization." The Annals of Statistics, 6, 34--58.

Tanner, M.A. (1991). Tools for Statistical Inference -- Observed Data and Data Augmentation Methods, vol. 67 of Lecture Notes in Statistics. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Tanner, M.A. and Wong, W.H. (1987). "The calculation of posterior distributions by data augmentation." Journal of the American Statistical Association\/, 82, 398, 528--550.

An Assessment of Climate Change in the Ocean

Full Paper as
Michael Lavine, Susan Lozier and Ana Rappold
Discussants: Ralph Milliff, Robert Miller and David Higdon.

Although ocean and atmosphere are similar in many respects --- they are both geophysical fluids --- the ocean is less well understood due principally to much lower data density in both space and time. Historically, physical oceanographic data was collected by labor-intensive, time-consuming and expensive ships. Over the past several decades, ocean data has additionally been collected by satellites, current meters and a variety of floats and drifters. These instruments have added immeasurably to our understanding of the ocean, yet because of their relatively recent deployment, inferences about long term changes in the ocean must be founded on ship-based measurements. Inferences about long term changes in the ocean are not only intrinsically interesting (to oceanographers), they are crucial in the current scientific and public policy debates about global warming. Calculations based on the amount of anthropogenically released carbon suggest that the earth's atmosphere should have warmed by an amount greater than what has been observed. Are the calculations wrong, or has the excess heat gone somewhere not accounted for? One possibility is that the excess heat has gone into the ocean. This possibility is being explored by climate modellers, physical oceanographers and others. But the task is much more difficult for the ocean than the atmosphere primarily because the data density is so much less, in both space and time. Additionally, because water has such a large heat capacity, heat content increases are manifested as small temperature changes, relative to the expected temperature changes in the atmosphere.

This paper begins with some simple figures describing the missing heat problem and illustrating relative data densities for the ocean, land and atmosphere. Then the bulk of the paper describes two ways in which our research team --- a physical oceanographer, a statistician and several graduate students --- have been looking at the data to estimate changes in temperature, salinity and vertical structure of oceans in the last 50 years or so.

The phenomenon of interest is temporal change over large spatial scales. Traditionally, physical oceanographers estimate such temporal change by examining the data from repeated occupations of a transect. I.e., they look for instances where data-collecting ships have sampled the same latitude or longitude line in different decades. Two examples are the line of $24^\circ$N latitude in the North Atlantic which was occupied in 1957, 1981 and 1992 and the line of $53^\circ$W longitude, also in the North Atlantic, which was occupied in 1956, 1983 and 1997. Their method is to look at the three possible pairwise comparisons of years. We will describe a spatio-temporal model that accounts not only for data from the three occupations, but also for data from other cruises that passed through or near the area of interest and in years other than those of the occupations. Our model allows us to view the temperature in the target region as a time series, and to see the three occupation years as part of that time series, leading to a more complete picture of temporal change.

In addition, we describe the importance of distinguishing property changes on isobars from that on isopycnals. An isobar is a surface of constant pressure, and hence approximately at a constant depth. An isopycnal is a surface of constant density. Because an isopycnal is gravitationally-neutral, properties such as temperature and salinity can flow or diffuse much more easily on an isopycnal than an isobar. When properties change temporally at a given location it is useful to decompose the change into two parts: one part due to the meandering or heaving of an isopycnal past a given depth, which can happen on relatively short time scales such as months, and one part due to changes on a given isopycnal, which typically represents structural change in the ocean occurring on a longer time scale.

The second way we look for temporal change is through the so-called mixed layer. The upper ocean (approx. 50-200m depending on season and location) is well mixed vertically through convection, so temperature and density are roughly constant. The mixing is biologically important because it brings nutrients to the surface where there is also light, thus promoting the production of phytoplankton, the primary component of ocean ecosystems. Again, this is significant for global warming because primary production is a sink for carbon. Below the mixed layer, temperature decreases and density increases rapidly and convection is inhibited. The depth and temperature of the mixed layer are subject to a solar-driven annual cycle. The second part of our research focuses on long-term changes in depth and temperature of the mixed layer. Because measurements are almost never taken at the same location we employ a statistical model with components for spatial, annual and long-term trends. Interest centers on the long-term; the spatial and annual must be modelled in order to handle the long-term accurately.

Modelling mixed layer depth leads to a novel development in statistical theory: assessing the likelihood function directly from the oceanographer rather than through a sampling model for data. One would usually get the likelihood function from the distribution of temperature as a function of mixed layer depth. Unfortunately, there is no good model for that distribution. We will show first, that the standard physically-based data model does not fit the data well and second, that change-point models yield incorrect measures of uncertainty. Therefore, we use direct assessment of the likelihood. The oceanographer is queried about a small number of profiles; then we construct an algorithm that mimics the oceanographer's assessments and apply that algorithm to the thousands of profiles in the data base. This procedure raises both practical and philosophical concerns.

The previous seven Workshops provided extended presentation and discussion on diverse topics.

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Organized by:
Emery Brown Alicia Carriquiry Elena Erosheva
Constantine Gatsonis Robert Kass Herbie Lee
Isabella Verdinelli
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