*** I moved to UC Berkeley in July 2022. This website is being preserved online by CMU Statistics (thank you guys) but is no longer being actively maintained. Please see my UC Berkeley website for the up to date version. ***
Professor of
Machine Learning
Carnegie Mellon University

Principal Investigator in the
Delphi group
Amazon Scholar in AWS AI Labs
Short bio
I am a Professor jointly appointed in the Departments of Statistics
and Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University.
I am also a Principal Investigator in the Delphi group at CMU,
and an Amazon Scholar in
Alex Smola's
group in AWS AI Labs. I have been a CMU faculty since 2011.
From 2007-2011, I did my Ph.D. in Statistics at Stanford University, with
Jonathan Taylor as my
thesis advisor. From 2003-2007, I did my B.S. in Mathematics at Stanford.
Research interests
My research interests lie broadly in statistics,
machine learning, and optimization; and
I like to think about problems from different angles:
applied, computational, theoretical.
More specifically, my interests include
high-dimensional statistics,
nonparametric estimation,
distribution-free inference,
convex optimization, and
numerical methods.
My main applied focus at this time is on
tracking and forecasting epidemics.
Professional service
I have also been an Associate Editor for the
Annals of Statistics (2016-20),
Biometrika (2013-16),
Journal of the American Statistical Society (2019-20),
and for a number of ML conferences (NeurIPS, ICML, AISTATS, 2014-20).
A full CV can be found here.