To make the procedure as general as possible we rewrite our demand system in SUR form:
Here the s subscript denotes an individual store, and the dimension of the y vector is M brands by T weeks. In rewriting the model we have stacked the vector of observations for each brand:
Note that in equation 3.2 refers to the vector of log movement for a given brand over all weeks, whereas in equation 2.2 it refers to the vector of log movement across all brands for a given week. To complete this stage, we also specify natural conjugate priors using a Wishart distribution on the error covariance matrix :
The second stage refers to the hyper-distribution from which the parameters for each store are drawn:
Where all the parameters from a store's demand system (), have been stacked into a single vector:
diag(Q) denotes a vector of the diagonal elements from a matrix Q. To complete this second stage, we include a prior distribution on the covariance matrix of the second stage :
The motivation for representing with a prior distribution instead of specifying it directly is to allow for some uncertainty in the amount of commonalities across stores.
The relationships between the demand parameters and the demographic and competitive variables are contained within the term. We will assume that a consumer's utility function can be separated along the lines of the price-quality tiers (Blattberg and Wisniewski 1989). This allows us to place a specific structure upon the relationship between the demand parameters and demographic variables. Furthermore each tier will be approximately modified by a linear function of demographic variables which can be motivated by differences in household production functions (Becker 1965). We can show that the cross-price sensitivities within a tier and between tiers have the same demographic relationships using Lewbel's results (1985). Also, we make a further modification by allowing the own-price coefficients and feature coefficients to have their own demographic relationships within each tier. A formal presentation of these arguments is given in Montgomery (1994).
We can express the linear relationships between the individual coefficients and the demographics as:
where is the vector of demographic and competitive variables for store s, denotes the corresponding coefficients, and denotes the average market share for product j. Both of these vectors are . A and B denotes the set of products within price-quality tiers A and B, in our application we have three price-quality tiers. To give the barred constants the interpretation as chain-wide averages, the vectors are standardized with zero means .
To illustrate the effects of these common demographic relationships within the price quality tiers, consider the cross-store variation of the own-price sensitivities. This vector will have three separate demographic effects: , which correspond with the premium, national, and store brand tiers respectively. The change in own-price sensitivity across the stores will have a common demographic component for all brands within a tier. For example, all three premium brands will share the same demographic predictor. However, the individual brands are not restricted to this relationship, since there will be some random variation about this linear demographic predictor. Our primary purpose in having these common demographic effects within each tier is to reduce the number of demographic relationships to a reasonable number. An alternate specification would have allowed each parameter to have its own demographic relationship, however this would have resulted in a highly parameterized model that could present estimation difficulties. An additional effect of this specification will be to induce some shrinkage of the changes in the parameter estimates across stores towards a common tier effect for each store. This will result in a more limited pattern of shrinkage than Blattberg and George (1991), which would also shrink parameter estimates within a store towards one another.
Since all these relationships are linear, we can easily incorporate them into the matrix. We can partition and into constants and demographic components:
Where the vector of chain-wide averages in the hyper-distribution is:
and the relationships with the demographic and competitive variables are given by:
The matrix is composed of 1's and 0's and represents the constant vectors and therefore is the same for each store. In our model we let each have its own intercept, hence is the identity matrix with order 192. If certain elements are to be ``shrunk'' toward one another then the corresponding elements in a particular column are both set to 1, and the other elements set to 0.
Since the demographic data vector for each store is the same for all the parameters, the construction of the matrix can be simplified using the following relationship:
The matrix is constructed in an analogous manner to , except that it summarizes the systematic relationships. In our analysis the matrix has 15 columns: three columns for the own-price sensitivities (one in each tier), nine columns for the cross-price sensitivity terms (a full three by three interaction between the tiers), and three columns for the feature price coefficients (one in each tier). To illustrate this matrix consider the column which corresponds to the premium own-price sensitivities, if the parameter is a premium own-price sensitivity then the element is set to 1, otherwise the element is 0. Geometrically this allows for every coefficient to have its own intercept, but there is a common slope for the own-price elasticities inside each quality tier.
The third stage of our model expresses the prior on the hyper-parameters:
In our specification we will employ a diffuse third stage prior. But an informative prior on would specify prior beliefs about chain-wide tendencies or demographic and competitive effects on parameter variation. The W matrix is included to make the specification of this prior more flexible.