The following table gives percent change in MSE for the hold-out sample compared with the predictions of the individual LS models.
split the data set into two parts, so I take first half and the
second half, I do an equal split. I estimate the model on the
first half and then I go out and based on the prior, how well
can I predict in each of these outer sample data sets. So in the
first case, if I go back and do the individual least-square
model I'm going to measure everything relative to that. And I'm
going to just think about what's the average mean square area. The
following table gives percentage change in MSE for the hold-out sample
compared with the predictions of the individual LS models.
So if take a pool model, a pool model would bring it down by
10%, a pool and a cluster model create similar, the cluster does
it a little better, but not much. Now, If I do a Bayes approach
with a v prior, so if I said k=5 I've essentially said that
there's not a lot of differences in my prior between this and
the initial least-square estimates. So it makes sense that these
things are close. Now if I start saying that my Bayes is k
parameter is moderate, if I say that k=1 what happens here is
now I start coming up with a 17% decrease in auto sample least
squared. Where if I finally go to like - strong Bayes prior,
say it's equal to .1, , what
happens here is a big
decrease in least squared error. Like a 25% decrease. So, the
point isn't to go back and say I'm trying to chose my k to
minimize the outer sample mean-squared area. All I'm trying to
do is say, look, my prior notions before going into this is to
say that the demographics are important. You know, if I had to
do this I would say, I'd like to go to a pool model, but I know
a pool model is wrong, so what the data is essentially telling
me is that there is some support for either this moderate or
strong prior. The problem is that the data isn't really formally
telling me which one should I go to. It's almost saying more is
better but it's going to be difficult to discriminate. For more detail
see here. Yes?