Q: So, he wants to do shrinkage and set how much
to shrink, so he splits the data in half to see what works. I
always thought that was a little bit confusing. You have
all of this Bayesian machinery with shrinkage in mind. Then they
don't know how to set the prior so they try it and see what works.
In principle you're taking advantage of having a prior. You should
think about how people or stores are different--whether each part differs or
the whole thing. You have some effects in the model and you are
not using it. You've got something in your model--the data, the
situations, and it's not clear to me that you are using it.
Yes, it's an inefficient way to do it.
It always seemed to confusing to me.
You're right. I would agree, but the problem is that if I want
to set some kind of prior on k, then I can
set some kind of noninformative on k -- set some kind of uniform.
It's not that I have
no ideas -- the problem is that before going into this, I really
did think that demographics were important and I really did want
to have a small k. The problem is if I just set that
without regard to what happens in terms of sensitivity, unless I do
something like this, people are very critical about
why I chose k. It's just arbitrary. So
I'm thinking about some better ways to set this prior
here. It'd be good to try to have a debate to try to
infer more about it. I really
don't want to put this informative prior but I don't really want
to set where the k boundaries are. So, yeah, I think you're
right, that this is sort of a strange way to justify what prior
you should use, but ..