To return to what I was saying. I want to think about whether I should include the demographics, or how should I do it. Before I do that, let's think about some of the possibilities, or how would a non-Bayesian model this.
A typical thing that marketers would do is simply say, look, these individual store effects are just really complicated. It's really pressing my ability just to price at the chain level, so why should I go out and think about what these differences are?
What I want to do is say forget about these differences, let's just have the same model for every store. Obviously from a Bayesian perspective, this isn't going to be a good idea, because I know something about why these stores are different. I've got this demographic information -- why can't I use it?
A marketer might say, well, let's go to some type of cluster models. I know the city stores are behaving something similarly, I know how suburban stores are behaving, so let's just split these models and say that all the city stores are similar and all the suburban stores - well, again in this case I'm losing a lot of information. It's not going to be an efficient way to do this.
Another possibility is to say well, I would say that there's going to be some kind of fixed relationship between the demographics and price sensitivity. Well, they're all errors in model specification and errors in data measurement and which variables should we include or not include. The point is that you can't do these fixed effects, and if you do specify these fixed effects it's going to be sensitive to your specification.
From the Bayesian perspective what's going to be good is to recongnize that each of these stores does have some unique characteristics, but all these stores have something in common. They're all coming from the same chain, they're all in the same general area, they're all dealing with consumers who are exposed to the same types of advertisements over time, so it makes a lot of sense to say that what's going on here is probably some kind of random coefficient model. And I'm going to incorporate this demographic information at this stage of the model, so I've got all the parameters from this model that I just gave, I've got these 192 parameters, let's just think about one element from this cross-price elasticity matrix. Let's pull out, for instance, cross-pricing or the cross-price elasticity of Minute Maid orange juice. So in this case, I'm going to say that this co-efficient is 's for an individual store and it's going to equal some cost-effect across the stores, plus some kind of demographic effect, plus some type of random effect. (Click here to see the mathematical form.) So in this case, 0 this random effect is really -- I'm going to go back to these individual store models, or something similar to them. If the demographic effect is strong and there's not a lot of random error here, it's going to look something like a fixed effects model. Or if the demographic effects are nil, and there's not a lot of random error variage across these parameters, then I'm going to back to this model case. I'm trying to be inclusive, because I don't know exactly how strong these relationships are, for all the reasons I've just stated.
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