See Google Scholar for a more complete list.
"Whole exome sequencing reveals minimal differences between cell line and whole blood derived DNA."
Schafer, C, N. Campbell, G. Cai, F. Yu, V. Makarov, S. Yoon, M. Daly, R. Gibbs, G. Schellenberg, B. Devlin,
J. Sutcliffe, J. Buxbaum, K. Roeder. (2013) Genomics. (102): 270.
"Likelihood-Free Cosmological Inference with Type Ia Supernovae: Approximate Bayesian Computation for a Complete Treatment of Uncertainty."
Weyant, A., C. Schafer, and W.M. Wood-Vasey. (2013)
The Astrophysical Journal. (764): 116.
"Prototype selection for parameter estimation in complex models."
Richards, J., A. Lee, C. Schafer, and P. Freeman. (2012)
Annals of Applied Statistics. (6): 383-408.
"Likelihood-Free Inference in Cosmology: Potential for the
Estimation of Luminosity Functions."
Schafer, C. and P. Freeman. (2012)
In Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy V,
part of Lecture Notes in Statistics. (209).
"Semi-supervised Learning for Photometric Supernova Classification."
Richards, J., Homrighausen, D., Freeman, P., Schafer, C., Poznanski, D. (2011)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (419): 1121-1135.
"High-dimensional Density Estimation via SCA: An Example in the Modelling of Hurricane Tracks"
Buchman, S., A. Lee, and C. Schafer (2011)
Statistical Methodology. (9):18-30.
"Constructing Confidence Regions of Optimal Expected Size."
Schafer, C. and P. Stark. (2009)
Journal of the American Statistical Association.
(104): 1080-1089.
"Accurate Parameter Estimation for Star Formation History in Galaxies using SDSS Spectra."
Richards, J., P. Freeman, A. Lee, and C. Schafer. (2009)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (399): 1044-1057.
"Photometric Redshift Estimation Using SCA."
Freeman, P., J. Newman, A. Lee, J. Richards, and C. Schafer. (2009)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (398): 2012-2021.
"Exploiting Low-Dimensional Structure in Astronomical Spectra."
Richards, J., P. Freeman, A. Lee, and C. Schafer. (2009)
The Astrophysical Journal. (691): 32-42.
"A Statistical Method for Estimating Luminosity Functions using Truncated Data."
Schafer, C. (2007)
The Astrophysical Journal. (661): 703-713.