R Class
- Language fundamentals: R1.R R1Sol.R
- Loading data / simple stats: R2.R
- Graphics / Function writing: R3.R R3Sol.R
- Linear models: R4.R singers.txt
diaper.dat neurological.sav R4Sol.R
- Resampling methods: R5.R
- Creating variables / PCA: R6.R JDM coding.sav R6Sol.R
- Mixed Models I: R7.R tiring.txt wallaby.dat
- Models with count data: R8.R adclick.csv adclick2.csv
- April 10: Function Writing II: R9.R LREDA0.R LREDA.R
- April 17: Survival Analysis R10.R
- April 24: Time Series R11.R
- May 1: ANCOVA: R12.R ANCOVAtheory.pdf
- Books
- SPLUS: The Basics of S and S-PLUS by Krause and Olson
- Introductory Statistics with R by Peter Dalgaard
- In Introduction to R by Venables and Smith
- Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS by Venables and Ripley
- S programming by Venables and Ripley
- Main R web page
- On-line documents
- Loading R
- Go to http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/R/CRAN
- Under Download and Install R choose "Windows (95 and later)"
- Choose "base"
- Download the exe for the lastest version (R-2.4.1-win32.exe) to some
directory on your computer
- Run that exe program with everything left as the defaults.
- Running R on Windows for multiple projects
- Create a separate directory for each project. Then put a Windows shortcut to R in that directory with "Target" something like:
"C:\Program Files\R\R-2.4.1\bin\Rgui.exe" --sdi
and with "Start in:" containing the quoted name of the project directory.
- Start R with the shortcut.
- Use help.start() to get help.
- End R with q(), normally answering "y" to the save message.
All links active 1/19/2007. Please report missing links, errors, and suggestions to
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