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This lab is to be done in class (completed outside of class if need be). You can collaborate with your classmates, but you must identify their names above, and you must submit your own lab as an knitted HTML file on Canvas, by Thursday 10pm, this week.
This week’s agenda: creating and updating functions; understanding argument and return structures; revisiting Shakespeare’s plays; code refactoring.
The Huber loss function (or just Huber function, for short) is defined as: \[
\psi(x) = \begin{cases}
x^2 & \text{if $|x| \leq 1$} \\
2|x| - 1 & \text{if $|x| > 1$}
\] This function is quadratic on the interval [-1,1], and linear outside of this interval. It transitions from quadratic to linear “smoothly”, and looks like this:
It is often used in place of the usual squared error loss for robust estimation. The sample average, \(\bar{X}\)—which given a sample \(X_1,\ldots,X_n\) minimizes the squared error loss \(\sum_{i=1}^n (X_i-m)^2\) over all choices of \(m\)—can be inaccurate as an estimate of \(\mathbb{E}(X)\) if the distribution of \(X\) is heavy-tailed. In such cases, minimizing Huber loss can give a better estimate. (Interested in hearing more? Come ask one of us, or ask your 401 or 402 Professor!)
1a. Write a function huber()
that takes as an input a number \(x\), and returns the Huber value \(\psi(x)\), as defined above. Hint: the body of a function is just a block of R code, i.e., in this code you can use if()
and else()
statements. Check that huber(1)
returns 1, and huber(4)
returns 7.
1b. The Huber function can be modified so that the transition from quadratic to linear happens at an arbitrary cutoff value \(a\), as in: \[
\psi_a(x) = \begin{cases}
x^2 & \text{if $|x| \leq a$} \\
2a|x| - a^2 & \text{if $|x| > a$}
\] Starting with your solution code to the last question, update your huber()
function so that it takes two arguments: \(x\), a number at which to evaluate the loss, and \(a\) a number representing the cutoff value. It should now return \(\psi_a(x)\), as defined above. Check that huber(3, 2)
returns 8, and huber(3, 4)
returns 9.
1c. Update your huber()
function so that the default value of the cutoff \(a\) is 1. Check that huber(3)
returns 5.
1d. Check that huber(a=1, x=3)
returns 5. Check that huber(1, 3)
returns 1. Explain why these are different.
1e. Vectorize your huber()
function, so that the first input can actually be a vector of numbers, and what is returned is a vector whose elements give the Huber evaluated at each of these numbers. Hint: you might try using ifelse()
, if you haven’t already, to vectorize nicely. Check that huber(x=1:6, a=3)
returns the vector of numbers (1, 4, 9, 15, 21, 27).
Challenge. Your instructor computed the Huber function values \(\psi_a(x)\) over a bunch of different \(x\) values, stored in huber.vals
and x.vals
, respectively. However, the cutoff \(a\) was, let’s say, lost. Using huber.vals
, x.vals
, and the definition of the Huber function, you should be able to figure out the cutoff value \(a\), at least roughly. Estimate \(a\) and explain how you got there. Hint: one way to estimate \(a\) is to do so visually, using plotting tools; there are other ways too.
x.vals = seq(0, 5, length=21)
huber.vals = c(0.0000, 0.0625, 0.2500, 0.5625, 1.0000, 1.5625, 2.2500,
3.0625, 4.0000, 5.0625, 6.2500, 7.5625, 9.0000, 10.5000,
12.0000, 13.5000, 15.0000, 16.5000, 18.0000, 19.5000,
Recall, as in lab/hw from Week 3, that the complete works of William Shakespeare are available freely from Project Gutenberg. We’ve put this text file up at
from lecture. Modify this function so that the string vectors lines
and words
are both included as named components in the returned list. For good practice, update the documentation in comments to reflect your changes. Then call this function on the URL for the Shakespeare’s complete works (with the rest of the arguments at their default values) and save the result as shakespeare.wordobj
. Using head()
, display the first several elements of (definitely not all of!) the lines
, words
, and wordtab
components of shakespeare.wordobj
, just to check that the output makes sense to you.# get.wordtab.from.url: get a word table from text on the web
# Inputs:
# - str.url: string, specifying URL of a web page
# - split: string, specifying what to split on. Default is the regex pattern
# "[[:space:]]|[[:punct:]]"
# - tolower: Boolean, TRUE if words should be converted to lower case before
# the word table is computed. Default is TRUE
# - keep.nums: Boolean, TRUE if words containing numbers should be kept in the
# word table. Default is FALSE
# Output: list, containing word table, and some basic numeric summaries
get.wordtab.from.url = function(str.url, split="[[:space:]]|[[:punct:]]",
tolower=TRUE, keep.nums=FALSE) {
lines = readLines(str.url)
text = paste(lines, collapse=" ")
words = strsplit(text, split=split)[[1]]
words = words[words != ""]
# Convert to lower case, if we're asked to
if (tolower) words = tolower(words)
# Get rid of words with numbers, if we're asked to
if (!keep.nums)
words = grep("[0-9]", words, inv=TRUE, val=TRUE)
# Compute the word table
wordtab = table(words)
2b. Go back and look Q2 of Homework 2, where you located Shakespeare’s plays in the lines of text for Shakespeare’s complete works. Set shakespeare.lines = shakespeare.wordobj$lines
, and then rerun your solution code (or the rerun the official solution code, if you’d like) for questions Q2a–Q2c and Q2f of Homework 2, on the lines of text stored in shakespeare.wordobj$lines
. (Note: you don’t rerun the code for Q2d or Q2e, since the code for Q2f will accomplish the same task only without encountering NA
s). You should end up with two vectors titles.start
and titles.end
, containing the start and end positions of each of Shakespeare’s plays in shakespeare.lines
. Print out titles.start
and titles.end
to the console.
2c. Create a list
of length equal to the number of Shakespeare’s plays (a number you should have already computed in the solution to the last question). Using a for()
loop, and relying on titles.start
and titles.end
, extract the subvector of shakespeare.lines
for each of Shakespeare’s plays, and store it as a component of
. That is,[[1]]
should contain the lines for Shakespeare’s first play,[[2]]
should contain the lines for Shakespeare’s second play, and so on. Name the components of
according to the titles of the plays.
2d. Using one of the apply functions, along with head()
, print the first 4 lines of each of Shakespeare’s plays to the console. This should only require one line of code.
3a. Define a function get.wordtab.from.lines()
to have the same argument structure as get.wordtab.from.url()
, which recall you last updated in Q2a, except that the first argument of get.wordtab.from.lines()
should be lines
, a string vector passed by the user that contains lines of text to be processed. The body of get.wordtab.from.lines()
should be the same as get.wordtab.from.url()
, except that lines
is passed and does not need to be computed using readlines()
. The output of get.wordtab.from.lines()
should be the same as get.wordtab.from.url()
, except that lines
does not need to be returned as a component. For good practice, incude documentation for your get.wordtab.from.lines()
function in comments.
3b. Using a for()
loop or one of the apply functions (your choice here), run the get.wordtab.from.lines()
function on each of the components of
, (with the rest of the arguments at their default values). Save the result in a list called
. That is,[[1]]
should contain the result of calling this function on the lines for the first play,[[2]]
should contain the result of calling this function on the lines for the second play, and so on.
3c. Using one of the apply functions, compute numeric vectors
, that contain the number of total words and number of unique words, respectively, for each of Shakespeare’s plays. Each vector should only require one line of code to compute. Hint: "[["()
is actually a function that allows you to do extract a named component of a list; e.g., try "[["(shakespeare.wordobj, "")
, and you’ll see this is the same as shakespeare.wordobj[[""]]
; you should take advantage of this functionality in your apply call. What are the 5 longest plays, in terms of total word count? The 5 shortest plays?
3d. Plot the number of unique words versus number of total words, across Shakeapeare’s plays. Set the title and label the axes appropriately. Is there a consistent trend you notice?
4. Look back at get.wordtab.from.lines()
and get.wordtab.from.url()
. Note that they overlap heavily, i.e., their bodies contain a lot of the same code. Redefine get.wordtab.from.url()
so that it just calls get.wordtab.from.lines()
in its body. Your new get.wordtab.from.url()
function should have the same inputs as before, and produce the same output as before. So externally, nothing will have changed; we are just changing the internal structure of get.wordtab.from.url()
to clean up our code base (specifically, to avoid code duplication in our case). This is an example of code refactoring.
Call your new get.wordtab.from.url()
function on the URL for Shakespeare’s complete works, saving the result as shakespeare.wordobj2
. Compare some of the components of shakespeare.wordobj2
to those of shakespeare.wordobj
(which was computed using the old function definition) to check that your new implementation works as it should.
Challenge. Check using all.equal()
whether shakespeare.wordobj
and shakespeare.wordobj2
are the same. Likely, this will not return TRUE
. (If it does, then you’ve already solved this challenge question!) Modify your get.wordtab.from.url()
function from the last question, so that it still calls get.wordtab.from.lines()
to do the hard work, but produces an output exactly the same as the original shakespeare.wordobj
object. Demonstrate your success by calling all.equal()
once again.