Last week: Debugging

Why version control?

The person who knows the most about your code is you-six-months-ago, and you-six-months-ago are not replying to your emailed questions. -Anonymous

Version control:

Git basics

Git allows you to take “snapshots” of the contents of a folder on your machine as you make changes to them


Think of GitHub as the canonical “central copy” of the repository

Get a GitHub account

If you do not have a GitHub account, get one (for free) at

Install Git

If you do not have Git installed on your computer, install it

During setup, configure Git with your user name (use your full name, not your Andrew ID) and your user email (which should be the same one you used to sign up for your GitHub account)

GitHub first…

In GitHub do the following:

…then RStudio

In RStudio, do the following:

You should see that your Files pane is listing the files in your local repository, including one ending in .Rproj, and the file that was created on GitHub

Updating your repository

To (say) add a new file to your local repository:



When there is more than one person working on the project:

Advanced Git
