Andrew ID:
Collaborated with:

This lab is to be done in class (completed outside of class if need be). You can collaborate with your classmates, but you must identify their names above, and you must submit your own lab as an knitted HTML file on Canvas, by Sunday 11:59pm, this week.

This week’s agenda: practicing SQLite queries, performing simple computations and joins, and testing our understanding by writing equivalent R code for these database manipulations.

Lahman baseball database

Thanks to Sean Lahman, extensive baseball data is freely available from the 1871 season all the way to the current season. We’re going ot use a SQLite version of the baseball database put together by Jeff Knecht, at The most recent SQLite database was recently updated to include the 2016 season. It has been posted to the class website at Download this file (it’s about 50 MB) and save it in the working directory for your lab.

Practice with SQL data extraction

dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT playerID, yearID, AB, H, HR",
                      "FROM Batting",
                      "ORDER BY yearID",
                      "LIMIT 10"))
dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT playerID, yearID, AB, H, HR",
                      "FROM Batting",
                      "ORDER BY HR DESC",
                      "LIMIT 10"))
dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT playerID, yearID, AB, H, HR",
                      "FROM Batting",
                      "WHERE HR > 55",
                      "ORDER BY HR DESC"))
dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT playerID, yearID, AB, H, HR",
                      "FROM Batting",
                      "WHERE yearID >= 1990 AND yearID <= 2000",
                      "ORDER BY HR DESC",
                      "LIMIT 10"))

Practice with SQL computations

dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT AVG(HR)",
                      "FROM Batting"))
dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT SUM(HR)",
                      "FROM Batting"))
dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT playerID, yearID, teamID, MAX(HR)",
                      "FROM Batting"))
dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT AVG(HR)",
                      "FROM Batting",
                      "WHERE yearID >= 1990"))
dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT teamID, AVG(HR)",
                      "FROM Batting",
                      "WHERE yearID >= 1990",
                      "GROUP BY teamID",
                      "LIMIT 5"))
dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT teamID, AVG(HR)",
                      "FROM Batting",
                      "WHERE yearID < 1960",
                      "GROUP BY teamID",
                      "ORDER BY AVG(HR) DESC",
                      "LIMIT 5"))
dbGetQuery(con, paste("SELECT teamID, yearID, AVG(HR)",
                      "FROM Batting",
                      "WHERE yearID == 1991 OR yearID == 1992",
                      "GROUP BY teamID, yearID",
                      "ORDER BY AVG(HR) DESC",
                      "LIMIT 15"))

More practice with computations

Practice with SQL join operations

All about the money

Batting averages (optional)