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This lab is to be done in class (completed outside of class if need be). You can collaborate with your classmates, but you must identify their names above, and you must submit your own lab as an knitted HTML file on Canvas, by Sunday 11:59pm, this week.
This week’s agenda: practice writing functions and running simulations.
1a. Generate the following objects, save them to variables (with names of your choosing), and call head()
on those variables.
that contains 100 draws from \(\mathrm{Unif}(0, 1)\), and a column y
that contains 100 draws of the form \(y_i \sim \mathrm{Unif}(0, x_i)\). Do this without using explicit iteration.1b. We’ve written a function plot.cum.means()
below which plots cumulative sample mean as the sample size increases. The first argument rfun
stands for a function which takes one argument n
and generates this many random numbers when called as rfun(n)
. The second argument n.max
is an integer which tells the number samples to draw. As a side effect, the function plots the cumulative mean against the number of samples.
# plot.cum.means: plot cumulative sample mean as a function of sample size
# Inputs:
# - rfun: function which generates random draws
# - n.max: number of samples to draw
# Ouptut: none
plot.cum.means = function(rfun, n.max) {
samples = rfun(n.max)
plot(1:n.max, cumsum(samples) / 1:n.max, type = "l")
Use this function to make plots for the following distributions, with n.max=1000
. Then answer: do the sample means start concentrating around the appropriate value as the sample size increases?
Hint: for each, you should construct a new single-argument random number generator to pass as the rfun
argument to plot.cum.means()
, as in function(n) rnorm(n, mean=-3, sd=sqrt(10))
for the first case.
Challenge. Find a distribution whose sample mean should not converge (in theory) as the sample size grows. Call plot.cum.means()
with the appropriate random number generator and n.max=1000
1c. For the same distributions as Q1b we will do the following.
In order to do this, we’ll write a function plot.ecdf(rfun, pfun, sizes)
which takes as its arguments the single-argument random number generating function rfun
, the corresponding single-argument conditional density function pfun
, and a vector of sample sizes sizes
for which to plot the ecdf.
We’ve already started to define plot.ecdf()
below, but we’ve left it incomplete. Fill in the definition by editing the lines with “##” and “??”, and then run it on the same distributions as in Q1b. Examine the plots and discuss how the ECDFs converge as the sample size increases. Note: make sure to remove eval=FALSE
, after you’ve edited the function, to see the results.
# plot.ecdf: plots ECDFs along with the true CDF, for varying sample sizes
# Inputs:
# - rfun: function which generates n random draws, when called as rfun(n)
# - pfun: function which calculates the true CDF at x, when called as pfun(x)
# - sizes: a vector of sample sizes
# Output: none
plot.ecdf = function(rfun, pfun, sizes) {
# Draw the random numbers
## samples = lapply(sizes, ??)
# Calculate the grid for the CDF
grid.min = min(sapply(samples, min))
grid.max = max(sapply(samples, max))
grid = seq(grid.min, grid.max, length=1000)
# Calculate the ECDFs
## ecdfs = lapply(samples, ??)
evals = lapply(ecdfs, function(f) f(grid))
# Plot the true CDF
## plot(grid, ??, type="l", col="black", xlab="x", ylab = "P(X <= x)")
# Plot the ECDFs on top
n.sizes = length(sizes)
cols = rainbow(n.sizes)
for (i in 1:n.sizes) {
lines(grid, evals[[i]], col=cols[i])
legend("bottomright", legend=sizes, col=cols, lwd=1)
We’re going to continue studying the drug effect model that was discussed in the “Simulation” lecture. Recall, we suppose that there is a new drug that can be optionally given before chemotherapy. We believe those who aren’t given the drug experience a reduction in tumor size of percentage: \[ X_{\mathrm{no\,drug}} \sim 100 \cdot \mathrm{Exp}(\mathrm{mean}=R), \;\;\; R \sim \mathrm{Unif}(0,1), \] whereas those who were given the drug experience a reduction in tumor size of percentage: \[ X_{\mathrm{drug}} \sim 100 \cdot \mathrm{Exp}(\mathrm{mean}=2). \]
2a. Look the code chunk in the lecture that generated data according to the above model. Write a function around this code, called
, that takes two arguments: n
, the sample size (number of subjects in each group), with a default value of 60; and mu.drug
, the mean for the exponential distribution that defines the drug tumor reduction measurements, with a default value of 2. Your function should return a list with two vectors called no.drug
and drug
. Each of these two vectors should have length n
, containing the percentage reduction in tumor size under the appropriate condition (not taking the drug or taking the drug).
2b. Run your function
without any arguments (hence, relying on the default values of n
and mu.drug
), and store the output in results1
. Print out the first 6 values in both the results1$no.drug
and results1$drug
vectors. Now, run
again, and store its output in results2
. Again, print out the first 6 values in both the results2$no.drug
and results2$drug
vectors. We have effectively simulated two hypothetical datasets. Note that we shouldn’t expect the values from results1
and results2
to be the same.
2c. Compute the following three numbers: the absolute difference in the mean values of no.drug
between results1
and results2
, the absolute difference in the mean values of drug
between results1
and results2
, and the absolute difference in mean values of no.drug
and drug
in `results1``. Of these three numbers, which one is the largest, and does this make sense?
2d. Now, we want to visualize the simulated data. Fortunately, the code to visualize the data is already provided for you in the “Simulation” lecture. Write a function around this code, called
, that takes just one argument data
, which is a list with components drug
and no.drug
. To be clear, this function should create a single plot, with two overlaid histograms, one fordata$no.drug
(in gray) and one for data$drug
(in red), with the same 20 bins. It should also overlay a density curve for each histogram in the appropriate colors, and produce a legend. One written, call
on each of results1
, and on results2
2e. In just one line of code total, generate a new simulated data set using
where n=1000
and mu.drug=1.1
, and plot the results using
. In one or two sentences, explain the differences that you see between this plot and the two you produced in the last problem.
2f. In the next problem, we will be generating many hypothetical data sets to see how many subjects we need to observe a difference between taking the drug and not taking the drug. To prepare for this, write a function called simulate.difference()
, which takes in the same two arguments as
, namely n
and mu.drug
, with the same default parameters as before. Your function should generate a new data set using
using the appropriate inputs, and then just return the difference in means of drug
and no.drug
(no absolute value). Run this function twice with no arguments (hence, using the default parameters) to see that your function is returning different numbers, and run the function once with n=1000
and mu.drug=10
. Print out all three return values. This last value should be substantially larger than the first two.
For the next few questions, we will work with this hypothetical: suppose we work for a drug company that wants to put this new drug out on the market. In order to get FDA approval, your company must demonstrate that the patients who had the drug had on average a reduction in tumor size at least 100 percent greater than those who didn’t receive the drug, or in math: \[ \overline{X}_{\mathrm{drug}} - \overline{X}_{\mathrm{no\,drug}} \geq 100. \] Your drug company wants to spend as little money as possible. They want the smallest number \(n\) such that, if they were to run a clinical trial with \(n\) patients in each of the drug / no drug groups, they would likely succeed in demonstrating that the effect size (as above) is at least 100. Of course, the result of a clinical trial is random; your drug company is willing to take “likely” to mean successful with probability 0.95, i.e., successful in 190 of 200 hypothetical clinical trials (though only 1 will be run in reality).
3a. Following the code sketch provided at the end of the “Simulation” lecture, write a function called rep.sim()
. This function takes four arguments: nreps
(the number of repetitions, with default value of 200), n
and mu.drug
(the values needed for simulate.difference()
, with the same defaults as before), and seed
(with default value NULL
). Your function should run simulate.differences()
number of times, and then return the number of success, i.e., the number of times that the output of simulate.difference()
exceeds 100. Demonstrate your function works by using it with mu.drug=1.5
. Hint: to implement rep.sim()
, you could use a for()
loop, as shown in the slides, or if you’re interested in trying an alternative route, you could use the replicate()
function. Check the documentation to understand how the latter function.
3b. Now we investigate the effect of the sample size n
, fixing mu.drug
to be 2. For each value of n
in between 5 and 100 (inclusive), run your function rep.sim()
. You can do this using a for()
loop or an apply function. Store the number of success in a vector. Just to be clear: for each sample size in between 5 and 100, you should have a corresponding number of successes. Plot the number of successes versus the sample size, and label the axes appropriately. Based on your simulation, what is the smallest sample size for which the number of successes is 190 or more?
3c. Now suppose your drug company told you they only had enough money to enlist 20 subjects in each of the drug / no drug groups, in their clinical trial. They then asked you the following question: how large would mu.drug
have to be, the mean proportion of tumor reduction in the drug group, in order to have probability 0.95 of a successful drug trial? Run a simulation, much like your simulation in the last problem, to answer this question. Specifically, similar to before, for each value of the input mu.drug
in between 0 and 5, in increments of 0.25, run your function rep.sim()
, with n=20
and nreps=200
. Plot the number of successes versus the value of mu.drug
, and label the axes appropriately. What is the smallest value of mu.drug
for which the number of successes exceeds 190?
3d. We’re going to modify the simulation setup from the last question and see how it changes the results we observe. Here is the new setup:
subjects (as always, this means 5 subjects with the drug, 5 subjects without the drug).Change the functions
, simulate.difference()
and rep.sim()
—whatever necessary—to accommodate this new scheme. Then run this simulation with 200 repetitions with mu.drug=1.5
, and print out how many success there were. How does this number compare with the result you saw earlier in Q3a? Should it be much different?
A common task in modern data science is to analyze the results of an AB test. AB tests are essentially controlled experiments: we obtain data from two different conditions, such as the different versions of a website we want to show to users, to try to determine which condition gives better results.
4a. Write a function to simulate collecting data from an AB test where the responses from the A condition follow a normal distribution with mean a.mean
and standard deviation
, whereas responses from the B condition follow a normal distribution with mean b.mean
and standard deviation
Your function’s signature should be ab.collect(n, a.mean,, b.mean,, n)
where n
is the number of samples to collect from each condition and the other arguments are as described above. Your function should return a list with two named components a.responses
and b.responses
which contain the responses for each condition respectively. Try your function out for several values of a.mean
, b.mean
, and
and check that the sample means and standard deviations approximately match the appropriate theoretical values.
4b. Write a function, a.mean,, b.mean,
which uses your function from Q4a to draw samples of size n
and then runs a t-test to determine whether there is a significant difference. We’ll define this as having a p-value at most 0.05. If there is a significant difference, we return either “A” or “B” for whichever condition has the higher mean. If there isn’t no significant difference, we return “Inconclusive”. Hint: recall t.test()
, and examine its output on a trial run to figuure out how to extract the p-value. Run your function with n=2000
, a.mean=100
, b.mean=140
and display the result.
4c. Waiting until you collect all of the samples can take a while. So you instead decide to take the following approach:
Note that this kind of sequential sampling is very common in AB testing. Note also the similarity to what we had you do in Q3d.
Write a function, n.days, a.mean,, b.mean,
to implement this procedure. Your function should return a list with the winner (or “Inconclusive”), as well and the amount of data you needed to collect.
Run this function on the same example as before with
and n.days=20
(to match final sample sizes). Do you get the same result? Do you save time collecting data?
4d. In practice, most AB tests won’t have a clear winner; instead both conditions A and B will be roughly equivalent. In this case we want to avoid false positives: saying there’s a difference when there isn’t really a difference (with respect to the true distributions). Let’s run a simulation that checks the false positive rate of the two testing regimes.
Setting a.mean = b.mean = 100
, = = 20
, and retaining the number of samples as in the previous examples conduct 1000 AB experiments using each of previous two setups, in
For each, calculate the number of “A” results, “B” results, and “Inconclusive” results. Is this what you would expect to see—recalling that we are declaring significance if the p-value from the t-test is at most 0.05? Does either method of sampling (all-at-once, or as-you-go) perform better than the other, with respect to controlling false positives? Challenge: can you explain the behavior you’re seeing, with the sequential sampling?