Statistical Computing, 36-350
Friday October 7, 2016
# Simulate from model, supposing 60 subjects in each group
n = 60
mu.drug = 2
mu.nodrug = runif(n, min=0, max=1)
x.drug = 100*rexp(n, rate=1/mu.drug)
x.nodrug = 100*rexp(n, rate=1/mu.nodrug)
# Find the range of all the measurements together, and define breaks
x.range = range(c(x.nodrug,x.drug))
breaks = seq(min(x.range),max(x.range),length=20)
# Produce hist of the non drug measurements, then drug measurements on top
hist(x.nodrug, breaks=breaks, probability=TRUE, xlim=x.range,
col="lightgray", xlab="Percentage reduction in tumor size",
main="Comparison of tumor reduction")
# Plot a histogram of the drug measurements, on top
hist(x.drug, breaks=breaks, probability=TRUE, col=rgb(1,0,0,0.2), add=TRUE)
# Draw estimated densities on top, for each dist
lines(density(x.nodrug), lwd=3, col=1)
lines(density(x.drug), lwd=3, col=2)
legend("topright", legend=c("No drug","Drug"), lty=1, lwd=3, col=1:2)
Consider the code below for a generic simulation. (Think about how you would frame this for the drug effect example)
# Function to do one simulation run
one.sim = function(param1, param2=value2, param3=value3) {
# Possibly intricate simulation code goes here
# Function to do repeated simulation runs
rep.sim = function(nreps, param1, param2=value2, param3=value3, seed=NULL) {
# Set the seed, if we need to
(if !is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
# Run the simulation over and over
sim.objs = vector(length=nreps, mode="list")
for (r in 1:nreps) {
sim.objs[r] = one.sim(param1, param2, param3)
# Aggregate the results somehow, and then return something
Sometimes simulations take a long time to run, and we want to save intermediate or final output, for quick reference later
There two different ways of saving things from R (there are more than two, but here are two useful ones):
: allows us to save single R objects (like a vector, matrix, list, etc.), in (say) .rds format. E.g.,saveRDS(my.mat, file="my.matrix.rds")
: allows us to save any number of R objects in (say) .rdata format. E.g.,save(mat.x, mat.y, list.z, file="my.objects.rdata")
Note: there is a big difference between how these two treat variable names
Corresponding to the two different ways of saving, we have two ways of loading things into R:
: allows us to load an object that has been saved by savedRDS()
, and assign a new variable name, e.g.,ls() # Show all the variables in our workspace, none so far
## [1] "breaks" "" "file.names" "list.z" "mat.x"
## [6] "mat.y" "mu.drug" "mu.nodrug" "" "n"
## [11] "wd" "x.drug" "x.nodrug" "x.range" = readRDS("my.matrix.rds")
## [1] 100 200[1:5,1:5]
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,] -0.5066503 0.8957993 -1.6550584 -0.7274510 0.4704499
## [2,] 0.4542122 -0.5653446 1.4971748 1.0012207 -0.7367822
## [3,] -0.1173487 1.1318548 1.0156416 -0.1820566 0.4049708
## [4,] -0.2511109 -0.6232948 0.8540076 0.5656846 0.3169460
## [5,] 1.6586227 1.0974390 -0.1337345 0.4488469 0.1243605
: allows us to load all objects that have been saved through save()
, according to their original variables names, e.g.,ls() # Show all the variables in our workspace, only
## [1] "breaks" "" "file.names" "list.z" "mat.x"
## [6] "mat.y" "mu.drug" "mu.nodrug" "" "n"
## [11] "wd" "x.drug" "x.nodrug" "x.range"
ls() # Show all the variables in our workspace, some are new
## [1] "breaks" "" "file.names" "list.z" "mat.x"
## [6] "mat.y" "mu.drug" "mu.nodrug" "" "n"
## [11] "wd" "x.drug" "x.nodrug" "x.range"