

We’ve used some tools for iterating over objects in R without for() loops:

General strategy

Today we will learn a workflow that can be summmarized in three general steps:

Sounds simple? It is, but it’s powerful when combined with data structures (see Hadoop/MapReduce for how this makes you billions)

Why is this useful without the billions?

An important application: ragged data

Our previous functions work well with well-composed data: apply() on matrices, sapply() or lapply() on lists and vectors. What about ragged data—where the dimensions of each object aren’t necessarily the same?

For this: start with data frames, though we’ll be going beyond this eventually

A sociologial application

Politics and labor action: does having a friendlier government make labor action more or less likely?

washington madison

Data: political economy of strikes

Compiled by Bruce Western, Sociology Dept., Harvard.

strikes = read.csv("http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~ryantibs/statcomp-F15/lectures/strikes.csv")

##     country year strike.volume unemployment inflation left.parliament
## 1 Australia 1951           296          1.3      19.8            43.0
## 2 Australia 1952           397          2.2      17.2            43.0
## 3 Australia 1953           360          2.5       4.3            43.0
## 4 Australia 1954             3          1.7       0.7            47.0
## 5 Australia 1955           326          1.4       2.0            38.5
## 6 Australia 1956           352          1.8       6.3            38.5
##   centralization density
## 1      0.3748588      NA
## 2      0.3751829      NA
## 3      0.3745076      NA
## 4      0.3710170      NA
## 5      0.3752675      NA
## 6      0.3716072      NA

Research question

“Does having a friendlier government make labor action more or less likely?”


“Is there a relationship between a country’s ruling party alignment (left versus right) and the volume of strikes?”

Lots of ways to approach this problem: simplest is to split it by country.

Functions subset(), split(), tapply()

Take Italy:

italy.strikes = subset(strikes, country=="Italy")

Or, if you prefer,

italy.strikes = strikes[strikes$country=="Italy",]
##     country year strike.volume unemployment inflation left.parliament
## 311   Italy 1951           437          8.8      14.3            37.5
## 312   Italy 1952           337          9.5       1.9            37.5
## 313   Italy 1953           545         10.0       1.4            40.2
## 314   Italy 1954           493          8.7       2.4            40.2
## 315   Italy 1955           511          7.5       2.3            40.2
## 316   Italy 1956           372          9.3       3.4            40.2
##     centralization density
## 311      0.2513799      NA
## 312      0.2489860      NA
## 313      0.2482739      NA
## 314      0.2466577      NA
## 315      0.2540366      NA
## 316      0.2457069      NA

italy.fit = lm(strike.volume ~ left.parliament, data=italy.strikes)
plot(italy.strikes$left.parliament, italy.strikes$strike.volume,
     main="Italy strike volume versus left-wing alignment",
     xlab="Strike volume", ylab="Left-wing alignment")
abline(italy.fit, col=2)

One down, seventeen to go

Tedious and dangerous to do this repeatedly—typos abound. How can we do this in an easier way?

First: we need subsets for every country. split() does this nicely:

strikes.split = split(strikes, strikes$country)
## [1] "list"
##  [1] "Australia"   "Austria"     "Belgium"     "Canada"      "Denmark"    
##  [6] "Finland"     "France"      "Germany"     "Ireland"     "Italy"      
## [11] "Japan"       "Netherlands" "New.Zealand" "Norway"      "Sweden"     
## [16] "Switzerland" "UK"          "USA"

Now, let’s generalize our function. We want the linear model coefficients:

my.strike.lm = function (country.df) {
  return(lm(strike.volume ~ left.parliament, data=country.df)$coefficients)
my.strike.lm(subset(strikes, country=="Italy"))
##     (Intercept) left.parliament 
##      -738.74531        40.29109

We could use a for() loop …

strike.coefs = NULL
my.countries = c("France", "Italy", "USA")
for (this.country in my.countries) {
  strike.coefs = cbind(strike.coefs, 
    my.strike.lm (subset(strikes, country==this.country)))  
colnames(strike.coefs) = my.countries
##                      France      Italy        USA
## (Intercept)     202.4261408 -738.74531 111.440651
## left.parliament  -0.4255319   40.29109   5.918647

Easier if we’ve split!

strike.coefs = lapply (strikes.split[1:3], my.strike.lm)
## $Australia
##     (Intercept) left.parliament 
##     414.7712254      -0.8638052 
## $Austria
##     (Intercept) left.parliament 
##      423.077279       -8.210886 
## $Belgium
##     (Intercept) left.parliament 
##      -56.926780        8.447463

Combine step

do.call(cbind, strike.coefs)
##                   Australia    Austria    Belgium
## (Intercept)     414.7712254 423.077279 -56.926780
## left.parliament  -0.8638052  -8.210886   8.447463

Or, in one step:

strike.coefs = sapply(strikes.split[1:3], my.strike.lm)
##                   Australia    Austria    Belgium
## (Intercept)     414.7712254 423.077279 -56.926780
## left.parliament  -0.8638052  -8.210886   8.447463

All together now

coefs = sapply(strikes.split, my.strike.lm)
##                   Australia    Austria    Belgium    Canada     Denmark
## (Intercept)     414.7712254 423.077279 -56.926780 -227.8218 -1399.35735
## left.parliament  -0.8638052  -8.210886   8.447463   17.6766    34.34477
##                  Finland      France   Germany   Ireland      Italy
## (Intercept)     108.2245 202.4261408 95.657134 -94.78661 -738.74531
## left.parliament  12.8422  -0.4255319 -1.312305  55.46721   40.29109
##                     Japan Netherlands New.Zealand     Norway    Sweden
## (Intercept)     964.73750  -32.627678    721.3464 -458.22397 513.16704
## left.parliament -24.07595    1.694387    -10.0106   10.46523  -8.62072
##                 Switzerland        UK        USA
## (Intercept)      -5.1988836 936.10154 111.440651
## left.parliament   0.3203399 -13.42792   5.918647
plot(coefs[2,],xaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="Regression coefficient", 
     main="Countrywise labor ativity by left-wing score")

Add some more coefficients

my.strike.lm.better = function(country.df) {
  return(lm(strike.volume ~ left.parliament + unemployment + inflation,
coefs2 = sapply(strikes.split, my.strike.lm.better)
##                   Australia     Austria      Belgium    Canada
## (Intercept)     157.9191118 600.6777769 -243.4822938 167.07123
## left.parliament   0.5658674 -11.2441604   12.4516118  13.43864
## unemployment     -1.1181489 -10.9216990    0.3578217 -48.17903
## inflation        30.4666061  -0.5923972   10.2673539  27.21807

plot(coefs[2,],xaxt="n",xlab="",ylab="Regression coefficient", 
     main="Countrywise labor ativity by left-wing score")
points(coefs2[2,], col="red")
