
Split-apply-combine: general strategy

When performing a repetitive task over a large data set, we can think about the following three general steps:

This can be especially helpful for ragged data, i.e., data where the dimensions are irregular

Split-apply-combine: how?

Two possible frameworks:

Example: global unemployment rate over the years

Remember the strikes data set from the last couple of lectures:

strikes = read.csv("http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~ryantibs/statcomp-F15/lectures/strikes.csv")
## [1] "data.frame"
##     country year strike.volume unemployment inflation left.parliament
## 1 Australia 1951           296          1.3      19.8            43.0
## 2 Australia 1952           397          2.2      17.2            43.0
## 3 Australia 1953           360          2.5       4.3            43.0
## 4 Australia 1954             3          1.7       0.7            47.0
## 5 Australia 1955           326          1.4       2.0            38.5
## 6 Australia 1956           352          1.8       6.3            38.5
##   centralization density
## 1      0.3748588      NA
## 2      0.3751829      NA
## 3      0.3745076      NA
## 4      0.3710170      NA
## 5      0.3752675      NA
## 6      0.3716072      NA

Question: what is the average global employment rate over the years?

With a for loop:

years = unique(strikes$year)
avg.rate.1 = numeric(length(years))
for (i in 1:length(years)) {
  strikes.subset = subset(strikes, year==years[i])
  avg.rate.1[i] = mean(strikes.subset$unemployment)

With base R:

strikes.split = split(strikes, strikes$year)
avg.rate.2 = sapply(strikes.split, function(df) { mean(df$unemployment) })

With plyr:

avg.rate.3 = daply(strikes, .(year), function(df) { mean(df$unemployment) })

They should all be the same

plot(years, avg.rate.1, xlab="Year", ylab="Avg unemployment rate")
points(years, avg.rate.2, col="red")
points(years, avg.rate.3, col="blue")
legend("topleft", legend=c("for()", "sapply()", "daply()"),
       col=c("black", "red", "blue"), pch=21)

Why do we like plyr functions?

Because they make it completely transparent what data type goes in, and what data type comes out


What happens if we have a really large data set and we want to use split-apply-combine?

If the individual tasks are unrelated, then we should be speed up the computation by performing them in parallel

The plyr functions make this quite easy: let’s take a look at the full specification for daply():

daply(.data, .variables, .fun = NULL, ..., .progress = "none",
  .inform = FALSE, .drop_i = TRUE, .drop_o = TRUE, .parallel = FALSE,
  .paropts = NULL)

The second to last argument .parallel (default FALSE) is for parallelization. If set to TRUE, then it performs the individual tasks in parallel, using the foreach package

The last argument .paropts is for more advanced parallelization, these are additional arguments to be passed to foreach

For more, read the foreach package first. May take some time to set up the parallel backend (this is often system specific)

But once set up, parallelization is simple and beautiful with **ply()! The difference is just, e.g.,

avg.rate.3 = daply(strikes, .(year), 
  function(df) {mean(df$unemployment)})


avg.rate.4 = daply(strikes, .(year), 
  function(df) {mean(df$unemployment)}, .parallel=TRUE)

High-level tips and themes

Practice problems

Question: what are the trends in the various countries’ unemployment rates over time?

Specifically, our goal is to:

  1. Compute a scaled version of unemployment rate for each country in the strikes data frame
  2. Produce 35 plots (since there are 35 years total) displaying these rates

Setup: first, let’s just reload the data and the plyr package and the maps package (for your convenience, so you can run this code block, and then work in the console)

strikes = read.csv("http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~ryantibs/statcomp-F15/lectures/strikes.csv")
## Attaching package: 'maps'
## The following object is masked from 'package:plyr':
##     ozone

Now here’s are your tasks (go ahead and fill in the code below):

# 0. Enter your unique ID here: 

# 1. Fill in the following function my.scale(), which, given some subset of the
# rows of strikes, returns a vector of scaled values of the unemployment rates,
# so that the minimum becomes 0 and the maximum becomes 1

my.scale = function(df) { 
  min.val = min(df$unemployment)
  max.val =  max(df$unemployment)
  # TODO, fill in the right return values

# Check it by uncommenting the code below; the first 4 return values should be
# 0.00000000, 0.10588235, 0.14117647, 0.04705882

#my.scale(subset(strikes, country=="Australia"))

# 2. Now, use dlply(), to run my.scale() on each country in strikes, and get back a
# list of scaled unemployment rates

unemployment.scaled.list = 0 # TODO, use dlply()

# 3. Here, unravel the list, and append it as a column to strikes

strikes$unemployment.scaled = 0 # TODO, unlist unemployment.scaled.list
##     country year strike.volume unemployment inflation left.parliament
## 1 Australia 1951           296          1.3      19.8            43.0
## 2 Australia 1952           397          2.2      17.2            43.0
## 3 Australia 1953           360          2.5       4.3            43.0
## 4 Australia 1954             3          1.7       0.7            47.0
## 5 Australia 1955           326          1.4       2.0            38.5
## 6 Australia 1956           352          1.8       6.3            38.5
##   centralization density unemployment.scaled
## 1      0.3748588      NA                   0
## 2      0.3751829      NA                   0
## 3      0.3745076      NA                   0
## 4      0.3710170      NA                   0
## 5      0.3752675      NA                   0
## 6      0.3716072      NA                   0

# Here is a function that plots a map of the world, which, given some subset of
# the rows of strikes, plots a map of the world and colors in the scaled unemployment
# rates for the various countries 

my.map = function(df) {
  my.colors = colorRamp(heat.colors(50))
  map("world", fill=TRUE, col="gray")
  map("world", add=TRUE)
  map("world", regions=df$country, add=TRUE, fill=TRUE,
  mtext(paste("Unemployment intensities during",unique(df$year)[1]))

# Test it out by first looking the map for the strikes data during the year 1979

my.map(subset(strikes, year==1979))

# 4. Now, use d*ply() to create 35 plots, and save them in a PDF

pdf(file="scaled.unemployment.by.year.pdf", height=6, width=6)
# TODO, use one of the d*ply() functions to make 35 plots

# Take a look at your PDF (with 35 pages to it!). Do you notice something about
# the global trend over time? Note that red is low, white is high ...
# rates ...

# Bonus. Perhaps 35 plots is too much. Repeat these previous steps, but instead
# of looking at scaled unemployment rates each year, look at averages over 5 years. 
# This will give you 7 final plots, instead of 35