Last time: basic debugging

Basic debugging tricks:

Today: testing and design

Better success through design!

Procedure versus substance

Our two goals:

Both are important (don’t forget about the second!)

Hypothesis testing versus software testing

Statistical hypothesis testing: risk of false alarm (size) and probability of detection (power). This balances type I and type II errors

Software testing: no false alarms allowed. This is going to reduce our power to detect errors; code can pass all our tests and still be wrong

But! we can direct the power to detect certain errors, including where the error lies, if we test small pieces

Cross-checking answers

When we have a version of the code which we are confident gets some cases right, we should keep it around (under a separate name)

Pre-design: abstraction

Top-down design

  1. Start with the big-picture view of the problem
  2. Break the problem into a few big parts
  3. Figure out how to fit the parts together
  4. Repeat this for each part

The big-picture view

Step 1: thnk about the big picture

Breaking into parts

Step 2: divide-and-conquer mentality

Put the parts together

Step 3: assuming you’ve written each part, how would you put them together?

# Not actual code
big.job = function(lots.of.arguments) {
  intermediate.result = first.step(some.of.the.args)
  final.result = second.step(intermediate.result,rest.of.the.args)

What about those sub-functions?

Step 4+: you don’t actually have a working program yet, but you have a good setup

Thinking algorithmically


Even if we didn’t start in top-down design mode, once we have some code, and it (more or less) works, re-write it to emphasize commonalities:

Re-factoring tends to make code look more like the result of top-down design. This is no accident!

Extended example: the jackknife

Jackknife for the mean

mean.jackknife = function(vec) {
  n = length(vec)
  jackknife.ests = vector(length=n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    jackknife.ests[i] = mean(vec[-i])
  variance.of.ests = var(jackknife.ests)
  jackknife.var = ((n-1)^2/n)*variance.of.ests
  jackknife.stderr = sqrt(jackknife.var)

some.normals = rnorm(100,mean=7,sd=5)
## [1] 7.905614
se.formula = sd(some.normals)/sqrt(length(some.normals))
se.jackknife = mean.jackknife(some.normals)
## [1] 4.440892e-16

Gamma parameters

Recall our friend the method of moments estimator:

gamma.est = function( {
  m = mean(
  v = var(
  a = m^2/v
  s = v/m

Jackknife for gamma parameters

gamma.jackknife = function(vec) {
  n = length(vec)
  jackknife.ests = matrix(NA,nrow=2,ncol=n)
  rownames(jackknife.ests) = c("a","s")
  for (i in 1:n) {
    fit = gamma.est(vec[-i])
    jackknife.ests["a",i] = fit["a"]
    jackknife.ests["s",i] = fit["s"]
  variance.of.ests = apply(jackknife.ests,1,var)
  jackknife.vars = ((n-1)^2/n)*variance.of.ests
  jackknife.stderrs = sqrt(jackknife.vars)

##          a          s 
## 19.0653121  0.5575862
##          a          s 
## 2.74062279 0.07829436

Jackknife for linear regression coefficients

jackknife.lm = function(df,formula,p) {
  n = nrow(df)
  jackknife.ests = matrix(0,nrow=p,ncol=n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    new.coefs = lm(as.formula(formula),data=df[-i,])$coefficients
    jackknife.ests[,i] = new.coefs
  variance.of.ests = apply(jackknife.ests,1,var)
  jackknife.var = ((n-1)^2/n)*variance.of.ests
  jackknife.stderr = sqrt(jackknife.var)

cats.lm = lm(Hwt~Bwt,data=cats)
## (Intercept)         Bwt 
##  -0.3566624   4.0340627
# "Official" standard errors
## (Intercept)         Bwt 
##   0.6922770   0.2502615
## [1] 0.8314142 0.3166847

Refactoring the jackknife

figure out the size of the data
for each case
   repeat some estimation, after omittingthat case
   collect all estimates in a vector as you go
take variances across cases
scale up variances
take the square roots

The common operation

Let’s define a function for the common operation of omitting one case = function(dat,i) {
  dims = dim(dat)
  if (is.null(dims) || (length(dims)==1)) {
  } else {

(Exercise: modify so it also handles higher-dimensional arrays)

The general operation

Let’s write a function for the general jackknife workflow

jackknife = function(estimator,dat) {
  n = ifelse(is.null(dim(dat)),length(dat),nrow(dat))
  omit.and.est = function(i) { estimator(,i)) }
  jackknife.ests = matrix(sapply(1:n, omit.and.est), ncol=n)
  variance.of.ests = apply(jackknife.ests,1,var)
  jackknife.var = ((n-1)^2/n)*variance.of.ests
  jackknife.stderr = sqrt(jackknife.var)

Could allow other arguments to estimator, spin off finding n as its own function, etc.

It works!

## [1] 0.5378896
max(abs(jackknife(estimator=mean,dat=some.normals) -
## [1] 0

max(abs(jackknife(estimator=gamma.est,dat=cats$Hwt) -
## [1] 0

est.coefs = function(dat) {
## (Intercept)         Bwt 
##  -0.3566624   4.0340627
max(abs(est.coefs(cats) - coefficients(cats.lm)))
## [1] 0

## [1] 0.8314142 0.3166847
max(abs((jackknife(estimator=est.coefs,dat=cats) -
## [1] 0

Refactoring + testing

Note: we’ve been just cross-checking our code the whole time against our old code, to make sure it works
