
The original name for glitches and unexpected defects: dates back to at least Edison in 1876, but better story from Grace Hopper in 1947:

Grace Hopper’s notes

Stages of debugging

Debugging is (largely) a process of differential diagnosis:

  1. Reproduce the error: can you make the bug re-appear?
  2. Characterize the error: what exactly is going wrong?
  3. Localize the error: where in the code does the mistake originate?
  4. Modify the code: did you eliminate the error? Did you add new ones?

Reproduce the bug

Step 0: make if happen again

Characterize the bug

Step 1: figure out if it’s a pervasive/big problem

Localizing the bug

Step 2: find out where things are going wrong

Common issues: syntax

Common issues: logic

Common issues: scope and global variables

Example: Gamma estimation

Recall the Gamma distribution estimator from a previous lab session. Suppose this was the code:

gamma.est = function(input) {
  meaninput = mean(input)
  varinput = var(input)
  scale = varinput/meaninput
  shape = meaninput/scale
  output = list(shape=shape,scale=scale)

Simple test

First, make sure it works! Test this function on its own. A simple test:

input = rgamma(10000, shape=0.1, scale=10)
## $shape
## [1] 0.09873601
## $scale
## [1] 10.6507


Literally: traces back through all the function calls leading to the last error

Start your attention at the first of these functions which you wrote (not that it can’t be someone else at fault!)

Often the most useful bit is somewhere in the middle (there may be many low-level functions called, like mean())

Example: jackknife

Now, the jackknife estimator for the parameter standard error:

gamma.jackknife = function(dat) {
  n = length(dat)
  jack.estimates = sapply(1:n, function(i){
  sd.of.ests = apply(jack.estimates,1,sd)

What happens?


If you uncommented the above line, you would have seen this:

> gamma.jackknife(cats$Hwt[1:3])
  Error: is.atomic(x) is not TRUE 

Then, if we called traceback():

> traceback()
6: stop(sprintf(ngettext(length(r), "%s is not TRUE", "%s are not all TRUE"), 
       ch), call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
5: stopifnot(is.atomic(x))
4: var(if (is.vector(x)) x else as.double(x), na.rm = na.rm)
3: FUN(newX[, i], ...)
2: apply(jack.estimates, 1, sd) at #5
1: gamma.jackknife(cats$Hwt)

Adding intermediate messages

print() forces values to the screen; stick it in a bunch of places to see if things are you expect

gamma.jackknife.2 = function(dat) {
  print("Spot #1"); print(head(dat))
  n = length(dat)
  jack.estimates = sapply(1:n, function(i){
  print("Spot #2"); print(jack.estimates[,1])
  sd.of.ests = apply(jack.estimates,1,sd)
  print("Spot #3"); print(sd.of.ests,"\n")


If you uncommented the above line, you would have seen this:

> gamma.jackknife.2(cats$Hwt)
[1] "Spot #1"
[1] 7.0 7.4 9.5 7.2 7.3 7.6
[1] "Spot #2"
[1] 19.32514

[1] 0.5514032

 Error: is.atomic(x) is not TRUE 

What happened?

The problem is that gamma.est gives a list, and so we get a weird list structure, instead of a plain array

Solution: re-write gamma.est to give a vector, or alternatively, wrap unlist around its output

gamma.est.2 = function(input) {
  meaninput = mean(input)
  varinput = var(input)
  scale = varinput/meaninput
  shape = meaninput/scale

gamma.jackknife.3 = function(dat) {
  n = length(dat)
  jack.estimates = sapply(1:n, function(i){
  sd.of.ests = apply(jack.estimates,1,sd)

## [1] 2.74062279 0.07829436


warning() allows you to print warnings to the console, can be helpful to others who might be using your code, and could encounter errors

quadratic.solver = function(a,b,c) {
  determinant = b^2 - 4*a*c
  if (determinant < 0) {
    warning("Equation has complex roots")
    determinant = as.complex(determinant)
  return(c((-b+sqrt(determinant))/2*a, (-b-sqrt(determinant))/2*a))

## [1]  1 -1
## Warning in quadratic.solver(1, 0, 1): Equation has complex roots
## [1] 0+1i 0-1i

stop() and stopifnot()

These halt the function execution when we see something not expected. Could prevent bugs downstream, if users pass arguments that aren’t as we expect

We’ve seen examples of these before; they’re smart to put in your code

More advice

Error handling

Ordinarily, errors just lead to crashing or the like

R has an error handling system which allows your function to catch, and recover from, errors in functions. See try(), tryCatch()

  gamma.sds = gamma.jackknife(cats$Hwt)
}, error = function(err) { 
  gamma.sds = NA
  cat(paste("Encountered the following error:\n",
              "\nContinuing on without jackknife estimates")) })
## Encountered the following error:
##  is.atomic(x) is not TRUE 
## Continuing on without jackknife estimates

You don’t need to know these for this class, but just note that they can be critically important, so that your code doesn’t completely crash an burn from small errors!

Programming for debugging
