Background. The American Community Survey (ACS) is a yearly survey given to a sample of the U.S. population, and collects information regarding demographics, occupations, educational attainment, veterans, whether people own or rent their home, and a variety of other attributes. The data set you will use in this exam is aggregated data between 2009 and 2013 for each of the 74,020 tracts—small Census Bureau statistical areas, nested within counties—in the United States. (Thanks to Jerzy Wieczorek for help assembling and cleaning this data.) In this exam, you are asked to manage, manipulate and analyse this data using R.
Make sure you read these.
Unless you have opted out of the pairing process, you will have been assigned a random partner for this final exam. One of you or your partner must upload a file called AndrewID1-AndrewID2-final.Rmd
, where AndrewID1
and AndrewID2
are your and your partner’s Andrew IDs, in alphabetical order. If two reports are uploaded, then one of the two reports (between you and your partner’s, chosen at random) will be graded, and both partners will be assigned that same grade. Thus you must work closely together.
You should download the “final.Rmd” file from course webpage and start filling in your answers from there. Display all code that you write, and every output that you’re asked to provide, but suppress unnecessary outputs (e.g., printing out of long data tables). Avoid the echo=FALSE
option or the inline code style.
As usual, a submission that does not knit as HTML (including stack space overflow) will get a zero.
You only have to do one of Part 4a or Part 4b; you do not have to do both. Choose whichever looks more interesting to you, and submit a solution to just one of them. You will not get bonus points for doing both.
There is an optional bonus problem, described in a separate file on the course website.
You may not work with anyone else than your assigned partner; you may only ask clarification questions on Piazza; you may not ask questions for help. This is a final exam, not a homework assignment.
The following code loads the plyr
library (hint: it will be very useful for this exam!), and reads in the census
data frame from The result has 74020 rows and 31 columns. Each row represents a census tract, and each column a variable that has been measured.
## [1] 74020 31
How many states are represented among the 74020 census tracts? How many counties? [1 pt]
Columns 8 through 31 of the census
data frame represent numeric variables, but columns 8 and 9 are not stored as such. These two are measured in US dollars: median household income (Med_HHD_Inc_ACS_09_13
) and median house value (Med_House_value_ACS_09_13
). What are the classes of these columns? [1 pt]
Convert these two columns into numbers (in whole US dollars). (Hint: it will be helpful to first convert into strings, then remove any non-numeric characters, then convert into numbers.) For example, $63,030
should be converted into the integer 63030
. Check your answer by printing out the summary()
of these two new columns. Make sure that empty entries (""
) are properly converted to NA
. [3 pts]
Several entries are missing in this data set, including the ones you discovered in the previous question. Compute the number of missing entries in each row, and save the vector as
. Then, obtain the indices of rows containing any missing values and save them in a vector named
. What is the average number of missing values among the rows that contain at least one missing entry? [2 pts]
Are there any states with no missing values? If so, print out the names of all such states. [1 pt]
Redefine the census
data frame by removing rows that have missing values, as per the
vector computed in Part 1 Question 4. Check that the new census
data frame has now 70877 rows. How many states and counties are represented in this new data frame? What states (if any) have been thrown out compared to the original data frame? [2 pts]
For this part, and the remainder of the exam, we will use the cleaned census
data frame derived from Part 1 Question 6.
There are several variables which count the percentage of respondents in various age categories (they all start with pct_Pop_
). Use these to determine, for each census tract, the percentages of the population that are less than 5 years old, and append these values in a new column called pct_Pop_0_4_ACS_09_13
to the census
data frame. Then, use this new column, along with the existing Tot_Population_ACS_09_13
column, to determine the number of 0-4 year olds in each state. Which state has the highest number, and what is its value? [3 pts]
Using your answer from the last question, determine the percentage of 0-4 year olds in each state. Which state has the highest percentage, and what is its value? [1 pt]
Calculate the correlation between each of the numeric variables, columns 8 through 31 of the census
data frame. Which two variables have the highest positive correlation? Which two variables have the lowest negative correlation? Do these relationships make sense? [3 pts]
Plot a histogram of Med_House_value_ACS_09_13
, and label the axes appropriately. See that small bump at the value 1000001? This is a due to a common practice in public data sets of “top-coding”, i.e., censoring unusually large values to protect the anonymity of survey respondents. [1 pt]
It is possible that the tracts that have been top-coded differ significantly from the other tracts, in other ways than the median house value. The following code computes a t-test between two groups of census tracts, on any given variable. The two groups being compared are: all tracts with median house value equal to the max (1000001) and all tracts with median house value less than the max (<1000001). It then returns a p-value for the test. Note that a lower p-value means a more significant difference between top-coded and non-top-coded tracts, according to the variable in question.
my.test = function(var) {
group = census$Med_House_value_ACS_09_13 == 1000001
p.val = t.test(var[group], var[!group])$p.value
Apply the function my.test()
to the variables in columns 10 through 31 of the census
data frame. What are the 2 smallest p-values, and which variables do these correspond to? Does this make sense? [2 pts]
Plotting data of this size is tricky just because the sheer number of datapoints. For instance, you can try on your own to plot(census)
to see your computer wheeze, cough, crash and burn. In this problem, we will write a suite of functions that allow you to more efficiently plot relationships between pairs of variables in your dataset.
that takes in five arguments: x
, y
, nsample
, xlab
, and ylab
. The first two arguments are variables to be plotted. The third is the number of points to be randomly sampled, with a default of 500. (Hence, if x
and y
are vectors of length, say, 5000, then a random 500 of the total 5000 x-y pairs will be plotted, by default.) The last two are the x and y labels, both with defaults of ""
(the empty string). A few notes:x,y
have the same length, and if not, throw an error (using stop()
or stopifnot()
);After writing this function, you can try it out by uncommenting the following code below. [5 pts]
#plot.sample(census$Med_HHD_Inc_ACS_09_13, census$Med_House_value_ACS_09_13,
# xlab="Median HHD income", ylab="Median house value")
, which is designed to be called after plot.sample()
. This takes as input x
, y
for variables that already appear on the x- and y-axes, and does two things:lm()
) function in red, and with twice the default width (using the lwd=2
option);To reiterate, this function assumes there is a plot already in place; it simply adds the line and the title. Again, after writing this function, you can try it out by uncommenting the following code below. [5 pts]
#plot.sample(census$Med_HHD_Inc_ACS_09_13, census$Med_House_value_ACS_09_13,
# xlab="Median HHD income", ylab="Median house value")$Med_HHD_Inc_ACS_09_13, census$Med_House_value_ACS_09_13)
which takes as input dataset
and nsample
, a data frame, and the number of points to be sampled. This function will mimick the behavior of plot()
when applied to data frames. In other words, if dataset
has p
columns, then plot.all()
should produce a p
by p
retangular grid of plots, where the plot in entry i
, j
of the grid uses column i
for the x-axis data, and column j
for the y-axis data. Some notes:plot.sample()
to write the variable names in the middle of otherwise empty plots.A code template for plot.all()
is found below. (Hint: using a for()
loop for the grid entries is perfectly fine.) Fill it out, and then uncomment the code that follows to plot the pairwise relationships between the 4 census variables Med_HHD_Inc_ACS_09_13
, Med_House_value_ACS_09_13
, pct_College_ACS_09_13
, and Mail_Return_Rate_CEN_2010
. Comment on the results; do the relationships make sense to you? [10 pts]
plot.all = function(dataset, nsample=500) {
p = ncol(dataset)
orig.par = par()
# Set the margins, and plotting grid
# TODO: your plotting code goes here
# Reset the margins, and plotting grid
#mydat = census[,c("Med_HHD_Inc_ACS_09_13", "Med_House_value_ACS_09_13",
# "pct_College_ACS_09_13","Mail_Return_Rate_CEN_2010")]
Here, we will use what is called permutation test to answer the following question: are the linear regression coefficients between two different states substantially different? Note: a permutation test is a fairly advanced statistical technique, but not much statistical knowledge is required to answer this question. For a bit more (optional) discussion on the permutation test, see the end of this problem.
From the census
data frame, extract all rows that correspond to tracts in Virginia, or West Virginia, and call the resulting data frame census.vw
. Verify that this has 2321 rows. [1 pt]
Now perform two separate linear regressions using census.vw
. The first is a linear regression of Mail_Return_Rate_CEN_2010
(as the response) on pct_NH_White_alone_ACS_09_13
and pct_Renter_Occp_HU_ACS_09_13
(as the predictors), using only the tracts in Virginia; the second is again a linear regression of Mail_Return_Rate_CEN_2010
(as the response) on pct_NH_White_alone_ACS_09_13
and pct_Renter_Occp_HU_ACS_09_13
(as the predictors), but now using only the tracts in West Virginia. Ignoring the intercept terms, each linear regression model here gives you two coefficients (one for pct_NH_White_alone_ACS_09_13
and one for pct_Renter_Occp_HU_ACS_09_13
). Compare the two sets of coefficients. Are they the same? [4 pts]
Even though the two coefficients for Virginia and West Virginia may be different, it is hard to tell just how different they are. To help answer this question, we will look at the linear regression coefficients if we were to randomly scramble census tracts between Virginia and West Virginia, then refit the linear regression models. This is the idea behind a permutation test. Vaguely speaking, if the two sets of coefficients were truly the same, then shuffling the labels should have no real effect on our estimated coefficients. First, make a copy of census.vw
called census.vw.perm
. Then, randomly permute the entries in census.vw.perm$State_name
. (Hint: recall the function sample()
.) Once this is done, rerun the two regression models from Part 4A Question 1 using census.vw.perm
, and report the coefficients for Virginia, and for West Virginia. What are their values now? Are the differences between coefficients for Virginia and West Virginia much smaller than they were in Part 4A Question 1? [3 pts]
You will write a function to encapsulate the tasks you performed in the previous questions. The function will be called reg.coef()
, and it will take in five arguments:
, a data frame, whose rows are a subset of the full census
data frame;x1
, x2
, two strings that match column names in census.subset
, representing predictor variables for the regression;y
, another string that matches a column name in census.subset
, representing a response variable for the regression;shuffle
, a Boolean variable, whose default value is FALSE
.Your function should perform the following. If shuffle
, then the entries in census.subset$State_name
are randomly permuted. If shuffle
, then this step is not performed (and census.subset$State_name
is left alone). Next, for each state in the census.subset
data frame, run a regression of the response, represented by y
, on predictor variables, represented by x1
and x2
. A matrix with 2 columns is returned, and one row for each state in census.subset
. Each row gives the coefficients for x1
and x2
in the linear regression model computed for that particular state (though they are included in the regressions, the intercept terms here are ignored). (Hint: for running regressions at a state-by-state level, use daply()
.) Recreate the results of Part 4A Question 2 with your function, to check that it gives the same answers. Be sure to use set.seed()
function to enforce reproducibility. [8 pts]
that takes in the following seven arguments:census
, the census data frame;state1
and state2
, two strings that represent state names;x1
, x2
, y
, as in reg.coef()
, an integer with a default value of 100.This function will carry out the following tasks, in order:
, x2
and y
are distinct numeric columns of census
; also make sure that state1
and state2
are valid states;census
where each row contains only observations with State_name
being equal to state1
or state2
, and call this smaller data frame census.subset
from above with arguments census.subset
, x1
, x2
and y
, and set shuffle
; store your results in obs.coef
as in the last step, but now with shuffle
set to TRUE
, and repeat for a total of num.perm
times; stack the results into one big matrix has 2 columns, and 2*num.perm
rows, called perm.coef
versus the second column; there should be 2*num.perm
points on this plot; in addition, draw on top the first column of obs.coef
versus the second column; this should give you 2 points, and color them in red; also, label the axes according to the names of the variables x1
and x2
and perm.coef
.Once written, uncomment the below to run permutation.test()
on the different scenarios, and comment on the results. In each case, do the red dots lie roughly in the point cloud of black dots? If so, that points to the differences between states being insignificant; and if not, that points to the differences between states being significant. [12 pts]
#out1 = permutation.test(census, "Virginia", "West Virginia", "pct_Males_ACS_09_13",
# "pct_Pop_5_17_ACS_09_13", "Tot_Population_ACS_09_13")
#out2 = permutation.test(census, "Wisconsin", "Connecticut", "pct_College_ACS_09_13",
# "pct_Renter_Occp_HU_ACS_09_13", "Mail_Return_Rate_CEN_2010")
Statistical background. For the statistically curious. Note that the permutation test we described is one of many ways to determine how substantially different regression coefficients are. Students who have taken other statistical courses might know that using standard errors is another way. The permutation test is in some sense more robust because it assumes less about the data-generating distribution.
In this problem, we will investigate the relationship between population density and the housing vacancy rate (as measured in pct_Vacant_Units_ACS_09_13
). On general grounds, we might expect housing markets to operate more efficiently as the demand for housing increases, but we have no reason to expect this relationship to be linear.
Construct two data vectors, PopDensity
and Vacancy
. From the census
data frame available to us, PopDensity
is simply Tot_Population_ACS_09_13
. Vacancy
is just pct_Vacant_Units_ACS_09_13
. Exclude rows with zero values in PopDensity
or Vacancy
(you should be left with 69336 tracts). [2 pts]
You should find a wide range of values for PopDensity
. What is the ratio of the maximum value to the minimum value (hint: it’s big). To get a better sense of your data, plot log(Vacancy)
versus log(PopDensity)
, using the plot.sample()
function from Part 3 Question 3, with nsample=5000
. Make sure the x- and y-axes are labelled appropriately. [2 pts]
We will model the relationship between log(Vacancy)
and log(PopDensity)
as piecewise linear. Specifically, \[
\log(\mathrm{Vacancy}) \approx
m_1 * \left[\log(\mathrm{PopDensity})-\mathrm{BreakPoint}\right]+b,
m_2 * \left[\log(\mathrm{PopDensity})-\mathrm{BreakPoint}\right]+b,
\] The model has four parameters: the break point itself, the value of the slope on either side of the break (\(m_1\) and \(m_2\)), and the value of the model at the break (\(b\)). Note that we have required that the model be continuous at the break point.
Write a function break.model()
that implements the piecewise linear transformation above, given five arguments:
, a vector of values to be transformed (we have in mind log(PopDensity)
, the break point;m1
, m2
, and b
, the three regression parameters. The function should return a vector of values, following the piecewise linear transformation described above. [4 pts]log(Vacancy)
, log(PopDensity)
data. Because it is not a simple linear model, we will not use lm()
. Instead, write a loss function that returns the sum of squares of the differences between the predictions from the model (for given values of the break point, \(m_1\), \(m_2\), and \(b\)) and the values observed in the data. This function should be named break.loss()
, and it should take three arguments:params
, a vector of length 4, containing the break point, \(m_1\), \(m_2\), and \(b\), in that order;
with default value log(PopDensity)
with default value log(Vacancy)
. Evaluate break.loss
for params
with the break point at 5.5, \(m_1=-0.25\), \(m_2=0\), and \(b=2\). You should get approximately 42500. [4 pts]Next, use optim()
to minimize break.loss()
, over the log(Vacancy)
, log(PopDensity)
data. Start at the initial parameter value par=c(5.5,-0.25,0,2)
. What are the best-fit values for the break point, \(m_1\), \(m_2\), and \(b\)? How many function evaluations did optim()
use before convergence? Plot your data as in Part 4B Question 2, then plot your best-fit model—note this is a piecewise linear function—over the top in red, with double the usual line width. Does the model look plausible? How would you describe the behavior of the model below and above the break point? What is the value of the population density at your break point? What kind of community (rural, suburban, etc.) corresponds to this population density? [8 pts]
For a variety of reasons we would like to know how well-determined the break point and other parameters are. For example, is the break point well constrained? Are we confident that the slope actually changes at the break point? Is the slope above the break point consistent with zero? We will use the jackknife method to estimate the uncertainty in the break point and the other parameters.
In fact, your instructors are so eager to know this information that they have provided code to make a jackknife estimate of the standard errors in the break point and other coefficients. They found it impractical to run optim()
69336 times, and produced their jackknife estimates by leaving out a subset of the observations, rather than leaving out each one in turn. However, in their enthusiasm they produced code with a number of errors. Debug the following, use it to estimate the uncertainty in the break point and other model coefficients, and discuss the results. (Note: we have set eval=FALSE
because this code block, even once properly debugged, takes a long time to run, several minutes … as you work to debug it, you may want to temporarily set n.leaveout
to be a much smaller number …) [10 pts]
n.leaveout = 100
to.leaveout = sample(1:length(Vacancy),n.leaveout,replace=FALSE)
par.mat = matrix(rep(0,4*n.leaveout),nrow=3,ncol=n.leaveout)
for( i in 1:n.leaveout)
j = to.leaveout[i]
this.opt = optim(c(5.5,-0.25,0,2),break.loss,[-i],[-i])
par.mat[i] = this.opt$par
} = apply(par.mat,2,sd) * sqrt(length(Vacancy))