Due: Fri Nov 9 at 11:59pm. Weight: 15% (of final project grade)
For this progress report, your write up should include a preliminary
review of related literature and work as well as motivation for the problem
(basically, an introduction section). You should aim to demonstrate that
you understand the related approaches, even if you have chosen a different
Additionally, by this time, you should have figured out the "how-to-do" part of
the project.
If the project is about a novel method, then the report should have
the details of the method and an intuitive justification of why you
think the method will work. If the project is about a proof, then
give us the outline and state the missing pieces.
If the project is about implementing a method, you should have a
good idea of the design and have finished a good part of the
coding. The report should explain the challenges encountered during
the implementation and also include any interesting implementation
details. You should also begin to think about the experiments and
empirical comparisons that you want to make.
If the project is a review, you should have read and finalized a
list of papers that you will highlight, and chosen a couple topics/papers
that you will cover in greater detail. You should summarize these papers
and outline how you will cover more involved topics/papers.
The report should have an updated plan of activities for the rest of
the project, including any plans for validation of your ideas such as
experiments. It should be limited to 5 pages (+1 or 2 more pages for
references) and should be in NIPS 2018 style.
Email one copy per project to your TA mentor.
Also, submit an anonymized copy (without your names) through the
EasyChair system. See here for more
information on this. We will use easychair to do peer review.
These peer reviews are required and will be 4% of your total
project grade (more details here).
Grading breakdown: introduction (10%), clear problem statement (10%),
method (40%), plan for the next steps (30%), writing (10%).