Advanced Methods for Data Analysis: Spring 2014

Statistics 36-402/36-608

Instructor: Ryan Tibshirani (ryantibs at cmu dot edu)

Jisu Kim (jisuk1 at andrew dot cmu edu)
Robert Lunde (rlunde at andrew dot cmu dot edu)
Sonia Todorova (sktodoro at andrew dot cmu dot edu)

Lecture times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30-11:50am, Wean 7500

Office hours:
RT: Wednesdays 3-4pm, Baker 229B
RL: Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm, Porter 117
ST: Mondays 3:30-4:30pm, Porter A20

Course syllabus: PDF

Go to:   Lectures | Assignments | Schedule

Lecture notes

  1. Introduction and regression
  2. Introduction and regression (cont'd)
  3. The truth about linear regression
  4. Error and validation
  5. Error and validation (cont'd)
  6. Kernel regression
  7. The bootstrap
  8. The bootstrap (cont'd)
  9. Degrees of freedom
  10. Degrees of freedom (cont'd)
  11. Smoothing splines
  12. Smoothing splines (cont'd)
  13. Additive models
  14. Catch up / review
  15. Inference with linear smoothers
  16. Inference with linear smoothers (cont'd)
  17. Logistic regression
  18. Generalized linear models
  19. Generalized linear models (cont'd)
  20. Principal components analysis
  21. Principal components analysis (cont'd)
  22. Other dimension reduction techniques
  23. Clustering
  24. Clustering (cont'd)
  25. Clustering (cont'd)
  26. High-dimensional regression
  27. High-dimensional regression (cont'd)




Here is the planned class schedule. It is subject to change, depending on time and class interests.

Tues Jan 14 1. Introduction and regression
Thurs Jan 16 2. Introduction and regression (cont'd)
Tues Jan 21 3. The truth about linear regression
Thurs Jan 23 4. Error and validation Homework 1 due
Tues Jan 28 5. Error and validation (cont'd)
Thurs Jan 30 6. Kernel regression
Tues Feb 4 7. The bootstrap Homework 2 due
Thurs Feb 6 8. The boostrap (cont'd)
Tues Feb 11 9. Degrees of freedom
Thurs Feb 13 10. Degrees of freedom (cont'd) Homework 3 due
Tues Feb 18 11. Smoothing splines
Thurs Feb 20 12. Smoothing splines
Tues Feb 25 13. Additive models Homework 4 due
Thurs Feb 27 14. Catch up / review Take-home exam out
Tues Mar 4 15. Inference with linear smoothers
Thurs Mar 6 16. Inference with linear smoothers (cont'd) Take-home exam due
Tues Mar 11 (Spring break, no class)
Thurs Mar 13 (Spring break, no class)
Tues Mar 18 17. Logistic regression
Thurs Mar 20 18. Generalized linear models Homework 5 due
Tues Mar 25 19. Generalized linear models (cont'd)
Thurs Mar 27 20. Principal components analysis
Tues Apr 1 21. Principal components analysis (cont'd) Homework 6 due
Thurs Apr 3 22. Other dimension reduction techniques
Tues Apr 8 23. In-class exam Homework 7 due; in-class exam
Thurs Apr 10 (Spring carnival, no class)
Tues Apr 15 24. Clustering
Thurs Apr 17 25. Clustering (cont'd)
Tues Apr 22 26. Clustering (cont'd) Homework 8 due
Thurs Apr 24 27. High-dimensional statistics
Tues Apr 29 28. High-dimensional statistics (cont'd)
Thurs May 1 29. High-dimensional statistics (cont'd) Homework 9 due; take-home final out
Thurs May 8 Take-home final due
