Carnegie Mellon Undergraduate Statistics & Data Science
- Love working with data?
- Believe that models should be right only most of the time?
- Interested in working in a field where you collaborate with everyone
and are never bored?
- In the movie Moneyball, did you identify more with Jonah Hill than Brad Pitt?
Then Statistics & Data Science is for you....
At Carnegie Mellon, you can major in Statistics, Statistics & Machine Learning, Economics-Statistics, Statistics and Neuroscience (track), and Mathematical Statistics (track).
Learn more here.
CMU Undergrad Statistics & Data Science in the News: link
Congratulations on Carnegie Mellon Math & Statistics being ranked #1 in the country
for two years in a row! (
Check out the latest episodes of the Tartan Data Science Cup!
Find out more about our Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Statistics here.
Follow us @CMU_Stats
Related Press:
- Interview with Simply Statistics (Authors: Jeff Leek, Roger Peng, Rafa Irizarry; Johns Hopkins Biostatistics). Link . October 2012.
- "Maintaining Quality in the Face of Rapid Program Expansion" Invited article for AMSTATNEWS: The Membership Magazine of the American Statistical Association. August 2012, Issue #422, p.14-15. link
Statistical Pedagogy and Program Development
- American Statistical Association 2015 Waller Education Award
national award for innovation in statistics education; see here for more details
- The William H. and Frances S. Ryan Award for Meritorious Teaching
Carnegie Mellon University (2015)
- Elliott Dunlap Smith Award for Distinguished Teaching and Educational Service
Dietrich College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University (2013)
Presentations, Interviews, Panels
- U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics Opening Session Speaker, May 2017
- TEDx CMU: Pivot Embracing Your Inner Data Scientist. April 2017. Link
- National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Workshop on "Envisioning the Data Science Discipline: The Undergraduate Perspective"
If You Build It, They Will Come: Perspectives on an Undergraduate Statistics/Data Science Program. December 2016.
- NSF-Census Research Network (NCRN) Spring 2015 meeting, joint with the National Academy of Sciences, Building and Training the Next Generation of Survey Methodologists and Researchers. May 2015
- Joint Mathematical Meetings Choose-Your-Own Capstone Adventure: Providing Flexible Paths for Undergraduate Majors. January 2015.
- Joint Statistical Meetings. Choose-Your-Own Capstone Adventure: Providing Flexible Paths for Undergraduate Majors. August 2014.
- ENAR: International Biometric Society. Massive Online Open Statistics: Should We Be teaching Statistics to 100s of Thousands of Students? Invited Talk, March 2014.
- ASA Webinar. The Role and Variety of Undergraduate Statistics Capstones. with C Shalizi, December 2013.
- CMU Statistics "Online Teaching Tea". Going Online: Should we do it? How? Why? What do we gain? What do we lose?. An open discussion about experiences with online statistics education including MOOCs. Organizer, April 2013.
- Interview with Simply Statistics (Authors: Jeff Leek, Roger Peng, Rafa Irizarry; Johns Hopkins Biostatistics). Link . October 2012.
- Joint Statistical Meetings. Maintaining Quality in the Face of Rapid Program Expansion. Invited Talk, August 2012.
The Teaching Statistics group engages in a combination of research, pedagogy, and classroom training. Members are interested in updating and modernizing curriculum and assessment, pedagogical philosophy and development, best classroom practices, student engagement, and outreach to a diverse community.
Visit the group website to learn more.
Statistical Pedagogy and Program Development
- Nugent, R. "Maintaining Quality in the Face of Rapid Program Expansion" Invited article for AMSTATNEWS: The Membership Magazine of the American Statistical Association. August 2012, Issue #422, p.14-15. link
- Ngamruengphong S, Nugent A, Nugent K, Nugent R (authorship in alphabetical order). Case 49: Prostate-Ca-Survival Case Files: Geriatric (LANGE Case Files), Toy, Dentino, Williams, Johnson (editors). McGraw-Hill Medical, 2014. Available here .
- Nugent R and Meila M. An Overview of Clustering Applied to Molecular Biology. Statistical Methods in Molecular Biology. Bang, Zhou, Epps, Mazumdar (editors). Springer/Humana Press, 2010. Available here .
Statistical Pedagogy and Program Development
National Positions & Service
- National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Committee on Envisioning the Data Science Discipline: The Undergraduate Discipline
- American Statistical Association Section on Statistical Education
Executive Committee
- National Science Foundation Division of Graduate Education Review Panelist
For a full list of pedagogical service and program development activities at the national, university, and departmental levels, please see CV .
Training and Curriculum Development Grants
Supercharging the Data Science Classroom: Giving students agency and reach
with new, interactive technologies
PI with C Genovese (PI), P Burckhardt (Investigator)
$2,000,000, five years; submitted December 2017
- SIGKDD Impact Program
The Carnegie Mellon Data Science Experience: Why take a course in Data Science when you can Experience it?
PI with Key Personnel G Weinberg and P Burckhardt, Collaborators W Alba and C Genovese; $50,000, one year. Submitted December 2017.
- Carnegie Mellon ProSEED/Crosswalk
What is Statistics? An Interactive Platform that Engages and Educates the Non-Statistician
co-PI with Paige Houser (PI) and Howard Seltman (co-PI); $2500; Summer 2015
- NSF: Research Training Groups in the Mathematical Sciences
Statistics and Machine Learning for Scientific Inference
co-PI with R Kass (PI), W Eddy (PI); $2,250,979, May 2011 - June 2016
Provides support during the academic year and the summer for undergraduates to work on research projects; students work in a vertically integrated environment (research group with professor, graduate students, other undergraduate students); students gain skills in research, writing, oral presentations and defense of work
For information on academic year positions, contact Rebecca Nugent (
For information on our summer program (Summer Undergraduate Research Experience), contact Bill Eddy ( or Margie Smykla (
Minorities and underrepresented populations are encouraged to apply.
- NSF: The NSF-Census Research Network Supplement, September 2016-August 2017
Census Research Node: Data Integration, Online Data Collection, and Privacy Protection for Census 2020;
co-PI with S Fienberg (PI), W Eddy (PI), A Acquisti (co-PI), $650,000
- NSF: The NSF-Census Research Network
Census Research Node: Data Integration, Online Data Collection, and Privacy Protection for Census 2020;
co-PI with S Fienberg (PI), W Eddy (PI), A Acquisti (co-PI
$3,000,000, Sept 2011 - Sept 2016
For general information on our CMU node, see here.
I oversee the education component of this grant, including curriculum development of classes and modules related to the node's research and alignment of student research projects. Examples include:
- Data Matching Methods and Their Uses, a graduate and advanced undergraduate course developed and co-taught by Fienberg and Nugent
- Graphics and Visualization modules on visualing United States Census information
- Record Linkage modules on identifying casualties in civil wars
Information about the educational activities under this grant can be directly viewed here.
Workshops and Tutorials
- Villanova Center for Statistics Education Workshop, May 2017.
Classification and Clustering: The Basics, The Next Level
- Park City Math Institute Undergraduate Summer School (PCMI 2016), July 2016.
Visualizing and Learning the Structure in Data
lecturer and author of materials for month-long program; more info here
- ASA Conference on Statistical Practice (CSP 2015), February 2015.
An Overview of Clustering: Finding and Extracting Group Structure in High-Dimensional Data; co-presenter and author of materials; more info here
- 7th International Conf. on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2014), June 2014.
An Overview of Clustering: Finding Group Structure in Educational Research Data
presenter and author of materials; more info here
- Math Camp, Center for Statistics & Social Sciences, University of Washington
Designed for social science first year graduate students, review prior to statistics courses
Handouts, Practice Problems/Solutions
Disclaimer: wrote material in 2004, 2005; current version may be
slightly altered
Statistics Research Problem/Project Repository
An research problem library for undergraduate and master's statistics curricula.
Each entry consists of background information, a cleaned, documented data set,
and examples of corresponding exams, projects, questions, etc.
Contributions are welcome!
In progress. Check back soon!
Carnegie Mellon, Dept of Statistics
- 36-200: Reasoning with Data
(an Intro to Data Science course for students in Humanities and Social Sciences)
Past Courses
Carnegie Mellon, Tepper School Computational Finance Master's program:
Carnegie Mellon, Dept of Statistics graduate courses:
- 36-729: Unsupervised Learning
- 36-721: Statistical Graphics
& Visualization
Handbook of Data
Visualization: Chen, Hardle, Unwin (eds)
- 36-491/691/791: Data Matching Methods and Their Uses
- 36-492/692/792: Topic Detection and Document Clustering:
What on Earth were They Talking about at Enron before It Imploded?
Carnegie Mellon, Dept of Statistics undergraduate courses:
- 36-490:
Undergraduate Research
- 36-462: Topics in
Statistics: Statistical Learning
Finding Groups in Data: An Introduction to Cluster Analysis:
Kaufman, Rousseeuw
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman
- 36-401: Modern Regression
Applied Linear Regression Methods: Kutner, et al. McGraw-Hill, 4th Ed. 2004.
- 36-315:
Statistical Graphics and Visualization
Graphics for Statistics and Data Analysis with R: Keen
Interactive and Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis: Cook and
- 36-303: Sampling,
Survey, and Society
Sampling: Design and Analysis: Lohr
- 36-226: Introduction to Statistical Inference
Mathematical Statistics with Applications: Wackerly, et al
- 36-149: Freshmen Statistics Seminar
Networks: Where do they come from? What do they tell us?
China Education Association for International Exchange (Beijing)
University of Washington, Dept of Statistics