Steamship authority homepage.
Cleaning: Michelliny Chavez "The Housekeeper" (508) 696-8846
Caretaker: Mark Rasmussen (508) 221-7575
Landscaping: Steve Yaffe (Crosswater) 645-3695,
Wampanoag Way website.
(old) Stuff for closing house at end of summer
What Michelliny does at closing/opening
Usage Rules summary, with additional details which followed an extensive email exchange among sibs. Sandy Knoll percentages here .
SK: H9.72 K17.13
Deed: "Together with the right in common with others now or hereafter entitled thereto to travel on foot across a private way extending from Lobsterville Road past Lot "B" as shown on said plan and further the right in common with others now or hereafter entitled to travel on foot over a four foot way across Lot "A" on said plan to the beach. Also, the right with others now or hereinafter entitled thereto to use the beach."