That wasn't really the point of this exercise. What we really wanted to do is lets go out and think about what the impact on a particular store? So the point is that, sure the chain level looks like everything should move in unison, but now lets think about the sensitivity for one individual store. So, what I've done here, is the x's denote what we just saw. So that was just the xxxx, so this is the mean of the moderate chain, xxxx. Now what we are going to do is to look at one particular store. So, in this store, what we would see is that for Tropicana premium, what we'd like to do is, if we increase it by 1 percent, you know, we would see like a half a percent increase in profits, so there you see that in this one there's a good cross-balance between the chain decision and the individual store decision. In other cases, what you're seeing is that there is some disparity. So, for Citrus Hill, for the chain it looks like we want to decrease it slightly, but if we look at this individual store we see this big decrease, so here we would want to decrease the price of Citrus Hill 96 oz by more than what the chain would indicate. So this is trying to illustrate what I'm trying to get xxxx, and that is let's move from the chain decision down to this individual decision about it, and let's think about what are some of the effects here.
Now, what you're seeing is that here at the strong and weak didn't make a lot of difference in the chain level, at the store level it started to make a big difference. Whether we're able to estimate these individual store levels demand functions very well, and obviously what it's going to do is it's going to say that if we assume, or we a priori think that it's very similar, there's not a lot of random effects, obviously what's going to happen to the profit function, it's going to move it together, it's going to tighten up this distribution. Whereas here if we're not confident about are there a lot of random effects or are there not, then what's happening here is this posterior profit is going to get pulled apart because we're not willing to make a lot of statements beforehand about how common the stores are.