Q: Is this fair?

It's an interesting question, is it fair or is it not fair.

Q: Is it legal?

Okay, is it legal? It's perfectly legal. There are no problems with this. The only price discrimination laws that are in the United States really deal with wholesale shipments, for prices the wholesalers charge the retailers. So the idea is that in the United States there is this notion, let me go out and negotiate whatever the best deal is. So if I were to go out and buy a car, maybe I'm a good negotiator and why should I have to pay full price for it? So that's really what's driving this micro-marketing. You want to go out and let consumers find a good bargain. I'm not trying to do anything deceptive here, the prices will be well established and people can perceive what I'm doing. Now the question is I may not be able to do this. There may be competition effects that are so strong, but what will happen is that we will come to some of these issues. For right now what I'd like to do is just concentrate on just exactly what does the data set look like.
