Q: Is this strategy sensitive to advertisement?

A: Yes, in this case. I'll get a little more to this once I get to the model stage. But I think you raised a good point. What I'm going to be doing is concentrating on pricing. Now, from the first slide, there are a lot of possibilities. You can think about the assortment of products, the feature or promotional strategies, or pricing strategies. Now, this may not be totally satisfactory, but what I'd like to do is concentrate on the pricing strategy, because it's one of the most important variables thats under the retailer's control. It's fairly well understood. We can go out and model it fairly easily. It's something that is easy to differentiate across the stores. So, in this case it would be difficult to have different advertising strategies because sometimes this advertisement not going to just one store, but it's going to be seen by consumers that shop at 20 or 30 stores. The advertisements typically go through the newspaper. Although that is changing.
