%   The following script produces a figure of a linear fit of the velocity
%   of action potentials as a function of diameter.  The data is called
%   'hursh' as it is taken from a study in 1939 by Hursh. 
dhursh = csvread('hursh.csv', 1, 0);

%  This fits a linear model for hursh, with the third argument, '1',
%  specifying the order of the model.
lmhursh = polyfit(dhursh(:, 1), dhursh(:, 2), 1);

% 'ko' specifies the line type.
plot(dhursh(:, 1), dhursh(:, 2), 'ko', 'MarkerSize', 5)

%  Set labels.
xlabel({''; 'Diameter (microns)'}, 'FontSize', 22)
ylabel('Velocity (m/s)', 'FontSize', 22)

%  Set graphical parameters for limits.
set(gca, 'XLim', [0, 20], 'YLim', [0, 120])

%  Plot a line, using the parameters of the model, called 'lmhursh'.
regline = refline(lmhursh(1, 1), lmhursh(1, 2));

%  Stylize the line, set additional graphical parameters, and then set the
%  figure location and size (200 pixels from the left, 100 from the top,
%  with a width of 900 and a height of 800).
set(regline, 'Color', 'k')
set(gca,'Box','off', ...
        'FontSize', 22, ...
        'XLim', [0, 20], ...
        'YLim', [0, 120], ...
        'XTick', 0:5:20, ...
        'YTick', 0:20:120, ...
        'TickDir', 'out');
set(gcf, 'Position', [200, 100, 1100, 900])