The first part of the folder contains a traing data of 102 samples of Prostate Cancer on the same set of 12600 genes. Out of which 52 are tumor, 50 are normal. It also contains two test data set. The first one contains 9 samples of Prostate Cancer on the same set of 12600 genes, in the class of normal. The second one contains 25 samples of Prostate Cancer on the same set of 12600 genes, but in the class of tumor. Prostate_TN_final10701_allmeanScale_res.txt: data matrix download from See more information there. GNF_prostate_data_CR61_5974.xls: data matrix download from The data is used in Welsh et al. (2001). It is also cited in Singh et al. (2002) as well as Fan and Fan, where it is used a test set. The original file contains measurements on 12626 genes, out of which 12600 are the set as in Prostate_TN_final110701_allmeansScale_res.txt. In the Welsh_Prostate_test_normal.txt and Welsh_Prostate_test_tumor.txt, the following 26 lines are removed: 8697 10755 10839 10860 10913 11213 11319 11419 11420 11512 11513 11726 11738 11761 11932 11933 12297 12303 12312 12330 12344 12601 12606 12607 12609 12614 Prostate_normal_matrix.txt: 50 normal samples (train). Prostate_tumor_matrix.txt: 52 tumor samples (train). Welsh_Prostate_test_normal.txt: 9 normal samples (test). Welsh_Prostate_test_tumor.txt: 25 normal samples (test) The second part of this folder contains 3 data files corresponding to the above Prostate data. The difference is that the data set has been pre-feature selected and standardized including an logarithmic (base 10) transform. The number of features now is only 6033. See details in Dettling's paper. The 3 files are: prostate.rda, downloaded from prostate.x.txt, data matrix (6033 by 102) ready for use in Matlab. prostate.y.txt, vector of class index (102 by 1). Relevant paper: Singh et al. (2002), Welsh et al. (2001), Fan (2007), and Dettling (2004).