An Example, Using Data Frames and Factors

The following data are from the New York Choral Society of 1979. Each singer reported his or her height to the nearest inch. The objective is to examine how height varies across voice range. The voice parts, from lowest to highest, are Bass, Tenor, Alto and Soprano. The lowest two parts are sung by men, the highest two by women. (These data are available in the file /afs/andrew/stat/data/S-Tutorials/singers.dat).

Soprano Alto    Tenor   Bass
64      65      69      72
62      62      72      70
66      68      71      72
65      67      66      69
60      67      76      73
61      63      74      71
65      67      71      72
66      66      66      68
65      63      68      68
63      72      67      71
67      62      70      66
65      61      65      68
62      66      72      71
65      64      70      73
68      60      68      73
65      61      73      70
63      66      66      68
65      66      68      70
62      66      67      75
65      62      64      68
66      70              71
62      65              70
65      64              74
63      63              70
65      65              75
66      69              75
65      61              69
62      66              72
65      65              71
66      61              70
65      63              71
61      64              68
65      67              70
66      66              75
65      68              72
62                      66


Pantelis Vlachos