------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions for the Merriam-Webster Search Box ------------------------------------------------- 1. After you've chosen a search box, downloaded its zip file, and extracted the zip file's contents, open the text file containing the search box HTML code (called "srchbox[#].txt") in a text editor, such as Notepad. Select and copy all of the text in the file. 2. Also in a text editor, open the Web page to which you are adding the search box and paste in the search box code you copied in Step 1. Paste it where you want the search box to appear. 3. Upload your revised Web page to the appropriate directory on your Web server. ------------------------------------------------ Congratulations! ------------------------------------------------ Your visitors now have instant access to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary & Thesaurus. They simply enter a word in the appropriate search box and click the "Search" button. Thank you for taking the time to add Merriam-Webster's Dictionary & Thesaurus Search Box to your Web site. If you have any problems downloading, installing, or using Merriam-Webster's Dictionary & Thesaurus Search Box, please write to us at searchbox@m-w.com. © 1999 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated