

When should we write functions?

Chaining functions together



Avoid iteration

Do not be afraid of iteration

Live Demo: Solutions to Homework 3

stocks <- read.csv("")
# Check that it's alright
##       Date          Price           Earnings      Earnings_10MA_back
##  Min.   :1871   Min.   :  64.8   Min.   :  4.01   Min.   : 8.51     
##  1st Qu.:1907   1st Qu.: 161.8   1st Qu.: 11.94   1st Qu.:13.89     
##  Median :1943   Median : 237.5   Median : 18.89   Median :17.48     
##  Mean   :1943   Mean   : 442.8   Mean   : 27.02   Mean   :25.70     
##  3rd Qu.:1979   3rd Qu.: 553.6   3rd Qu.: 36.59   3rd Qu.:37.19     
##  Max.   :2015   Max.   :2056.5   Max.   :103.17   Max.   :77.00     
##                                                   NA's   :120       
##   Return_cumul   Return_10_fwd  
##  Min.   :    1   Min.   :-0.06  
##  1st Qu.:   15   1st Qu.: 0.03  
##  Median :   96   Median : 0.07  
##  Mean   : 1457   Mean   : 0.07  
##  3rd Qu.: 1061   3rd Qu.: 0.10  
##  Max.   :12951   Max.   : 0.20  
##                  NA's   :120
## [1] 1724    6
  1. Add the new variable MAPE, and check that it has the right summary:
stocks$MAPE <- stocks$Price/stocks$Earnings_10MA_back
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##    4.79   11.70   15.90   16.60   20.00   44.20     120

At this point we give up on the NAs:

stocks <- na.omit(stocks)
  1. Linear fit against MAPE:
# Fit the regression
lm.MAPE <- lm(Return_10_fwd ~ MAPE, data=stocks)
# Check the coefficients (how do you get standard errors?)
## (Intercept)        MAPE 
##    0.138348   -0.004589

We will put off calculating the \(R^2\) and the CV MSE until we have more models.

  1. Linear fit against 1/MAPE:
lm.invMAPE <- lm(Return_10_fwd ~ I(1/MAPE),data=stocks)
## (Intercept)   I(1/MAPE) 
##   -0.007659    0.995904
  1. Cross-validated MSEs for these two models is easier if we first load the code for doing CV of linear models from lecture 3. (See the source for how to discard the plots that code makes as side-effects.)

The cv.lm function defined there needs formulas, but we can get them from the estimated models; the default is 5-fold CV, which is what we want here.

(cv.MSEs <- cv.lm(stocks,formulae=c(formula(lm.MAPE),formula(lm.invMAPE))))
## [1] 0.001870 0.001837
  1. Plot the data, the two estimated models, and, last, the “simple-minded” model which is that returns should be exactly equal to 1/MAPE.
# 4a: scatterplot
plot(Return_10_fwd ~ MAPE, data=stocks, xlab="MAPE",
     ylab="Future returns",pch=16,cex=0.2)
# 4b: Add the fitted line for regressing on MAPE
# 4c: fitted curve for regressing on 1/MAPE
# Why doesn't the next line work?
# Partial credit for plotting: use isolated points
# Full credit: re-order the data in order of increasing MAPE:
stocks <- stocks[order(stocks$MAPE),]
  # We can always recover the time order later if we want it!
# 4d: the simple-minded model

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-8

  1. Since there are no adjustable parameters to the simple-minded model at all, we can just look at its in-sample error as an estimate of its generalization error:
(simple.MSE <- with(stocks,mean((Return_10_fwd - 1/MAPE)^2)))
## [1] 0.001896
  1. Make a table with the CV and the \(R^2\):
library(knitr) # for the kable() table-making function
cv.MSEs <- c(cv.MSEs, simple.MSE)
r.sqs <- c(summary(lm.MAPE)$adj.r.sq, summary(lm.invMAPE)$adj.r.sq, cor(1/stocks$MAPE,stocks$Return_10_fwd)^2)
scores <- rbind(cv.MSEs, r.sqs)
rownames(scores) <- c("CV MSE", "Adjusted R^2")
colnames(scores) <- c("~MAPE", "~1/MAPE", "Simple-minded model")
~MAPE ~1/MAPE Simple-minded model
CV MSE 0.0019 0.0018 0.0019
Adjusted R^2 0.3221 0.3338 0.3342
  1. Turn to the confidence intervals.
  1. The conventional ones:
5 % 95 %
(Intercept) -0.0124 -0.0029
I(1/MAPE) 0.9358 1.0560
  1. Resampling of residuals: For the in-class demo, re-written from scratch.
# Confidence intervals for parametric model coefficients from residual resampling
# Inputs: confidence level, number of bootstrap replicates, estimated model
# Output: array of upper and lower confidence limits for each coefficient
# Presumes: resample.residuals() and estimate.coefs() exist and do the right thing
residual.resample.CIs <- function(level=0.95,B,mdl=lm.invMAPE) {
  # Generate bootstrap samples
  # Calculate coefficients from each bootstrap sample
  # Reduce the pile of bootstrapped coefficients to CIs
  # Need 3 pieces of code: simulate, estimate, reduce
  # Do all the simulation and re-estimation in one line
  tboots <- replicate(B, estimate.coefs(resample.residuals(mdl)))
    # Each column of tboots is a different replicate, each row a different coefficient
  # Now reduce to an array of confidence limits
  # First, get the error probability for easier math
  alpha <- 1-level
  # Each coefficient gets its own row so calculate quantiles separately for each row
  boot.quantiles <- apply(tboots, 1, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2))
  # What, come to think of it, is our point estimate of the coefficient vector?
  main.coefs <- coefficients(mdl)
  # Form the upper and lower confidence limits by taking an appropriate spread around
  # the point estimates
  upper.lim <- main.coefs + (main.coefs - boot.quantiles[1,])
  lower.lim <- main.coefs + (main.coefs - boot.quantiles[2,])
  # Bind them into an array
  CIs <- cbind(lower.lim, upper.lim)
  # Name the columns by the appropriate probabilities
  colnames(CIs) <- paste(100*c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2), "%")

We’ll need the utility function resample:

# Resample a vector with replacement
# Inputs: a vector
# Output: a sample taken from the input vector of the same size, with replacement
resample <- function(x) {

With this, we can write the actual function for resampling residuals from an estimated model. With a view to later problems, we’ll make it work for multiple models. With a bit more work, we could have it work with many different data frames as well, but for this problem set, it’s enough to get it to work with the stocks data.

# Resample the residuals from a given model
# Inputs: the estimated model
# Outputs: a new data frame with simulated values for the dependent variable
# Presumes: data frame is called stocks, dependent variable is Return_10_fwd
# Presumes: no NA issues making fitted(mdl) or residuals(mdl) shorter than the data frame
# Presumes: resample() function exists and works on vectors
resample.residuals <- function(mdl) {
  # ATTN: Better to avoid hard-coding stocks and the choice of response variable
  stocks$Return_10_fwd <- predict(mdl,newdata=stocks) + resample(residuals(mdl))

Now, before we go and spend a lot of time running anything else, let’s make sure that this works. We’ll go through a series of checks.
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
all(stocks$MAPE == resample.residuals(lm.invMAPE)$MAPE)
## [1] TRUE
all(stocks$MAPE == resample.residuals(lm.MAPE)$MAPE)
## [1] TRUE
!all(stocks$Return_10_fwd == resample.residuals(lm.invMAPE)$Return_10_fwd)
## [1] TRUE
!all(resample.residuals(lm.invMAPE)$Return_10_fwd == resample.residuals(lm.invMAPE)$Return_10_fwd)
## [1] TRUE
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## -0.0593  0.0297  0.0644  0.0647  0.1020  0.2000
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## -0.0661  0.0322  0.0643  0.0670  0.0993  0.2950
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## -0.0838  0.0272  0.0656  0.0653  0.0995  0.2960

The estimation function is fairly straightforward:

estimate.coefs <- function(data,specification=formula(lm.invMAPE)) {

Some checks on the estimation function:

all.equal(estimate.coefs(stocks), coefficients(lm.invMAPE))
## [1] TRUE
!all(estimate.coefs(stocks) == estimate.coefs(resample.residuals(lm.invMAPE)))
## [1] TRUE
!all(estimate.coefs(resample.residuals(lm.invMAPE)) == estimate.coefs(resample.residuals(lm.invMAPE)))
## [1] TRUE

We can’t be too precise about how close these re-estimates should be to the original (that’s what the confidence intervals are going to be for…), but we should worry if they’re incredibly different:

## (Intercept)   I(1/MAPE) 
##   -0.007787    0.998331

Notice that by splitting up the job into a separate estimator and resampler, we can design and debug them separately; if we get stuck on one, we can turn to the other. If we have to change how things work internal in either, it doesn’t affect the other.

Having convinced ourselves that the residual resampler is working, and that the coefficient estimator is working, we can put them together for a small run:

5 % 95 %
(Intercept) -0.0139 -0.0023
I(1/MAPE) 0.9125 1.0729

Once we think it works at a small number of replicates, run it for longer to get more accurate confidence limits:

5 % 95 %
(Intercept) -0.0124 -0.0030
I(1/MAPE) 0.9366 1.0561
  1. It’s acceptable, though not ideal, to write this over again from the top:
# Confidence intervals for parametric model coefficients from resampling rows or cases
# Inputs: confidence level, number of bootstrap replicates, estimated model
# Output: array of upper and lower confidence limits for each coefficient
# Presumes: resample.rows() and estimate.coefs() exist and do the right thing
row.resample.CIs <- function(level=0.95,B,mdl=lm.invMAPE,data=stocks) {
  # Do all the simulation and re-estimation in one line
  tboots <- replicate(B, estimate.coefs(resample.rows(data)))
    # Each column of tboots is a different replicate, each row a different coefficient
  # Now reduce to an array of confidence limits
  # First, get the error probability for easier math
  alpha <- 1-level
  # Each coefficient gets its own row so calculate quantiles separately for each row
  boot.quantiles <- apply(tboots, 1, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2))
  # What, come to think of it, is our point estimate of the coefficient vector?
  main.coefs <- coefficients(mdl)
  # Form the upper and lower confidence limits by taking an appropriate spread around
  # the point estimates
  upper.lim <- main.coefs + (main.coefs - boot.quantiles[1,])
  lower.lim <- main.coefs + (main.coefs - boot.quantiles[2,])
  # Bind them into an array
  CIs <- cbind(lower.lim, upper.lim)
  # Name the columns by the appropriate probabilities
  colnames(CIs) <- paste(100*c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2), "%")

We don’t need to write a new estimator, but we do need to write the resampler:

resample.rows <- function(data) { return(data[resample(1:nrow(data)),]) }

Again, we should check this. - The output should be a data frame with the same size and shape as stocks:
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
## [1] TRUE
!all(stocks$MAPE == resample.rows(stocks)$MAPE)
## [1] TRUE
!all(resample.rows(stocks)$MAPE == resample.rows(stocks)$MAPE)
## [1] TRUE
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    4.79   11.50   15.50   16.00   18.90   44.20
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    5.02   11.40   15.40   15.90   18.70   44.20
!all(stocks$Return_10_fwd == resample.rows(stocks)$Return_10_fwd)
## [1] TRUE
!all(resample.rows(stocks)$Return_10_fwd == resample.rows(stocks)$Return_10_fwd)
## [1] TRUE
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## -0.0593  0.0297  0.0644  0.0647  0.1020  0.2000
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
## -0.0518  0.0329  0.0644  0.0648  0.1010  0.2000

Now we can run

5 % 95 %
(Intercept) -0.0117 -0.0035
I(1/MAPE) 0.9449 1.0441

However, it’s clearly not very clever to have repeated a huge chunk of code in the two CI functions. One way of simplifying this is to peel off the repeated calculation as a new function, and then use it in both:

# Reduce an array of bootstrap re-estimates to confidence intervals
# Inputs: array of bootstrap estimates, confidence level, vector of point estimates
# Output: two-column array giving lower and upper confidence limits for each quantity
# Presumes: the array of bootstrapped values has one column per replicate
# Presumes: the number of rows in the arrays matches the length of the vector of point estimates <- function(,level=0.95, point.ests) {
  # Double check that the dimensions of and point.ests match
  stopifnot(nrow( == length(point.ests))
  # First, get the error probability for easier math
  alpha <- 1-level
  # Each coefficient gets its own row so calculate quantiles separately for each row
  boot.quantiles <- apply(, 1, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2))
  # What, come to think of it, is our point estimate of the coefficient vector?
  # Form the upper and lower confidence limits by taking an appropriate spread around
  # the point estimates
  upper.lim <- point.ests + (point.ests - boot.quantiles[1,])
  lower.lim <- point.ests + (point.ests - boot.quantiles[2,])
  # Bind them into an array
  CIs <- cbind(lower.lim, upper.lim)
  # Name the columns by the appropriate probabilities
  colnames(CIs) <- paste(100*c(alpha/2,1-alpha/2), "%")

Here is a little test case, where we can work out by hand what the answers should be:,2*(20:1)),level=0.9,point.ests=c(10,20))
##       5 %  95 %
## [1,] 0.95 18.05
## [2,] 1.90 36.10

(Double-check that these are the right values.)

Now we can greatly simplify the definitions of both our functions:

residual.resample.CIs <- function(level=0.95,B,mdl=lm.invMAPE) {
  tboots <- replicate(B, estimate.coefs(resample.residuals(mdl)))
  main.coefs <- coefficients(mdl)

row.resample.CIs <- function(level=0.95,B,mdl=lm.invMAPE,data=stocks) {
  tboots <- replicate(B, estimate.coefs(resample.rows(data)))
  main.coefs <- coefficients(mdl)

Notice that these are almost identical, except for the resampling function.

resample.CIs <- function(level=0.95,B,resampler,main.ests,estimator) {
  tboots <- replicate(B, estimator(resampler()))

Notice that here both resampler and estimator are to be functions. The next code block illustrates:

# the residual-resampling CIs
resample.CIs(level=0.9,B=200,resampler=function() { resample.residuals(lm.invMAPE) },
             estimator=function(data) { estimate.coefs(data, lm.invMAPE) })
##                  5 %      95 %
## (Intercept) -0.01193 -0.003244
## I(1/MAPE)    0.93835  1.053856
# The case-resampling CIs
resample.CIs(level=0.9,B=200,resampler=function() { resample.rows(stocks) },
             estimator=function(data) { estimate.coefs(data, lm.invMAPE) })
##                  5 %      95 %
## (Intercept) -0.01211 -0.003022
## I(1/MAPE)    0.94677  1.043825
  1. We’re old friends with estimating kernel regressions by now:
## Nonparametric Kernel Methods for Mixed Datatypes (version 0.60-2)
## [vignette("np_faq",package="np") provides answers to frequently asked questions]
np.MAPE <- npreg(Return_10_fwd ~ MAPE, data=stocks, tol=0.01, ftol=0.01)
np.MAPE$bws$bw # bandwidth
## [1] 0.5805
np.MAPE$bws$fval # cross-validated MSE
## [1] 0.001693
  1. We can re-use the function for resampling residuals, because it’s been written to work generically, with any regression model that works with predict() and residuals(). Detailed testing to make sure of this is omitted, but look at a plot of the output:
plot(Return_10_fwd ~ MAPE, data=resample.residuals(np.MAPE), pch=16, cex=0.3, col="blue")
points(stocks$MAPE, stocks$Return_10_fwd, pch=16, cex=0.3)
legend("topright",legend=c("Data","Simulated from kernel regression"),col=c("black","blue"),pch=16)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-42

We also need some code to re-estimate the kernel regression on new data. We’ll do it in two stages, because npreg can be tempramental when used on its own inside a function.

# Estimate a kernel regression of returns on MAPE from a data frame
# Inputs: the data frame
# Outputs: the estimate npregression object
# Presumes: Data frame has columns with the right names (and values)
# ATTN: It'd be nicer to not hard-code the formula
estimate.npr <- function(data) {
  bws <- npregbw(Return_10_fwd ~ MAPE, data=data, tol=0.01, ftol=0.01)
  fit <- npreg(bws)

Since we don’t really care about the whole of the kernel regression, just its predictions on selected points, we’ll write a function to calculate that:

evaluation.points <- data.frame(MAPE=seq(from=min(stocks$MAPE),to=max(stocks$MAPE),length.out=100))
# Evaluate an estimated model on a grid
# Inputs: the model, data frame containing the grid
# Output: vector of predicted values
# Presumes: the data frame has columns which match the predictor variables of the model
evaluate.mdl <- function(mdl, grid=evaluation.points) { return(predict(mdl, newdata=grid)) }

Check that evaluate.mdl is doing what it should:

all(predict(np.MAPE, newdata=evaluation.points) == evaluate.mdl(np.MAPE))
## [1] TRUE

Now we can actually re-cycle the code we’ve written; start with a small number of replicates.

little.CIs <- resample.CIs(level=0.9,B=20,resampler=function() { resample.residuals(np.MAPE) },
             estimator=function(data) { evaluate.mdl(estimate.npr(data)) })

Let’s look at this to see if it makes sense: it should have 100 rows and 2 columns; the first column, being the lower limits, should be below our point estimate, evaluate.mdl(np.MAPE), which in turn should be below the second column.

## [1] 100   2
all(little.CIs[,1] < evaluate.mdl(np.MAPE))
## [1] TRUE
all(little.CIs[,2] > evaluate.mdl(np.MAPE))
## [1] TRUE

Re-assured that this is working sensibly, we can now give it the time needed to actually generate the confidence limits.