24 November 2014
Stock returns of the Corrections Corp. of America:
# Corrections Corp. of America
CXW <- pdfetch_YAHOO("CXW",fields="adjclose",
CXW.returns <- na.omit(as.vector(diff(log(CXW$CXW))))
Regress tomorrow's returns on today's:
CXW.ar <- lm(CXW.returns[-1] ~ CXW.returns[-length(CXW.returns)])
(Intercept) CXW.returns[-length(CXW.returns)]
0.0005609 -0.0515824
n <- length(CXW.returns)-1
plot(1:n, CXW.returns[-1],pch=19)
points(1:n, fitted(CXW.ar), col="blue",pch=19)
Could work out prediction intervals from theory, if they were Gaussian … or just simulate
prediction.interval <- function(model, confidence=0.95, n=1e3) {
residuals <- residuals(model)
sim <- sample(residuals, size=n, replace=TRUE)
lower.limit <- (1-confidence)/2
upper.limit <- 1-lower.limit
return(quantile(sim, c(lower.limit, upper.limit)))
(CXW.interval95 <- prediction.interval(CXW.ar))
2.5% 97.5%
-0.05413 0.05586
plot(1:n, CXW.returns[-1],pch=19)
points(1:n, fitted(CXW.ar), col="blue",pch=19)
lines(1:n, fitted(CXW.ar)+CXW.interval95[1], lty="dashed", col="blue")
lines(1:n, fitted(CXW.ar)+CXW.interval95[2], lty="dashed", col="blue")
(This example is slightly defective since it doesn't include parameter uncertainty; we'll cover that in 402 when we do bootstrapping)
This was originally a model of disease spread, but now the “disease” is adopting a new drug
[Break for live coding under the direction of the class]
Code written by section 1:
sim_doctors_1 <- function(num.doctors, num.days, initial_doctors, p) {
# Remember to set up all_doctors
all_doctors <- 1:num.doctors
# Remember to set up has_adopted as binary vector
has_adopted <- matrix(0,nrow=num.doctors,ncol=num.days)
# Set some doctors to have initially adopted
# initial_doctors are indices of doctors who are using as of day 1
has_adopted[initial_doctors,1:num.days] <- 1
for (today in 1:num.days) {
# pull two random doctors
todays_doctors <- sample(all_doctors,size=2,replace=FALSE)
# check that one has adopted and the other hasn't
if(sum(has_adopted[todays_doctors,today])==1) {
# make the non-adopter adopt with probability p
which_of_todays <- which(has_adopted[todays_doctors,today]==0)
receiver <- todays_doctors[which_of_todays]
has_adopted[receiver,today:num.days] <- rbinom(n=1,size=1,prob=p)
Code written by section 2:
sim_doctors_2 <- function(num.doctors,num.meetings,starting_adopters, prob) {
# vector to keep track of which doctors have adopted
has_adopted <- rep(FALSE, num.doctors)
# Set some to have adopted initially
has_adopted[1:round(starting_adopters*num.doctors)] <- TRUE
# matrix to keep track of adoptions over time
adoptions_vs_time <- matrix(FALSE,nrow=num.doctors,ncol=num.meetings)
for (meeting in 1:num.meetings) {
# select 2 doctors at random
meeting_pair <- sample(1:num.doctors,size=2)
# check whether exactly one selected doctor has adopted
if(has_adopted[meeting_pair[1]] != has_adopted[meeting_pair[2]]) {
# With probability prob., update the vector of adopters
if(rbinom(n=1,size=1,prob=prob)) { has_adopted[meeting_pair] <- TRUE }
# update adoptions_vs_time matrix
adoptions_vs_time[,meeting] <- has_adopted
sim2 <- sim_doctors_2(num.doctors=10,num.meetings=10,starting_adopters=0.1,prob=1.0)
[1] 10 10
plot(colSums(sim2),xlab="Meeting",ylab="Number of adoptees")
Maybe not that small? With only 10 time-steps it's pretty likely we never pick the one initial adoptee
sim2.1 <- sim_doctors_2(num.doctors=10,num.meetings=100,starting_adopters=0.1,prob=1.0)
plot(colSums(sim2.1),xlab="Meeting",ylab="Number of adoptees")
sim.big <- sim_doctors_2(num.doctors=1000,num.meetings=10000,starting_adopters=0.01,prob=0.5)
plot(colSums(sim.big),xlab="Meeting",ylab="Number of adoptees")
Elapsed time from starting to code to final figure: 20 minutes