Writing and Using Functions

15 September 2014


  • Defining functions: Tying related commands into bundles
  • Interfaces: Controlling what the function can see and do
  • Example: Parameter estimation code

Why Functions?

Data structures tie related values into one object

Functions tie related commands into one object

In both cases: easier to understand, easier to work with, easier to build into larger things

For example

# "Robust" loss function, for outlier-resistant regression
# Inputs: vector of numbers (x)
# Outputs: vector with x^2 for small entries, 2|x|-1 for large ones
psi.1 <- function(x) {
  psi <- ifelse(x^2 > 1, 2*abs(x)-1, x^2)

Our functions get used just like the built-in ones:

z <- c(-0.5,-5,0.9,9)
[1]  0.25  9.00  0.81 17.00

Respecting the interfaces: We could turn the while() loop into a for() loop, and nothing outside the function would care

estimate.scaling.exponent.5 <- function(a, y0=6611,
  response=gmp$pcgmp, predictor = gmp$pop,
  maximum.iterations=100, deriv.step = .001,
  step.scale = 1e-12, stopping.deriv = .01) {
  mse <- function(a) { mean((response - y0*predictor^a)^2) }
  for (iteration in 1:maximum.iterations) {
    deriv <- (mse(a+deriv.step) - mse(a))/deriv.step
    a <- a - step.scale*deriv
    if (abs(deriv) <= stopping.deriv) { break() }
  fit <- list(a=a,iterations=iteration,
    converged=(iteration < maximum.iterations))

What have we done?

The final code is shorter, clearer, more flexible, and more re-usable

Exercise: Run the code with the default values to get an estimate of a; plot the curve along with the data points

Exercise: Randomly remove one data point — how much does the estimate change?

Exercise: Run the code from multiple starting points — how different are the estimates of a?


  • Functions bundle related commands together into objects: easier to re-run, easier to re-use, easier to combine, easier to modify, less risk of error, easier to think about
  • Interfaces control what the function can see (arguments, environment) and change (its internals, its return value)
  • Calling functions we define works just like calling built-in functions: named arguments, defaults

Next time: working with many functions