Causality from Time Series

36-467/667 (Fall 2020)

10 December 2020 (Lecture 27)


Causal vs. Ordinary Prediction

Graphical Causal Models

Some Time Series Models in DAG Form

Expressing Causality in DAGs

Graphical Models for Variables Evolving over Time

(from Chu and Glymour (2008), Fig. 1)

Graphical Models for Variables Evolving over Time

(from Chu and Glymour (2008), Fig. 1)

So Where Does the Graph Come From?

Granger “Causality”: A Diversion

What’s Really Needed Is Conditional Independence

Unfortunately, Conditional Independence Testing Is Hard

Additive Autoregressions

Additive Autoregressions

Summing Up Today

Summing Up the Course

Spatiotemporal dependence is great

Spatiotemporal dependence is a drag

Spatiotemporal dependence can be dealt with


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