Model-Based Nonlinear Prediction

36-467/667, Fall 2020

3 December 2020 (Lecture 25)


Model-Based Forecasting

Fixed Parameters, Fixed State

Fixed Parameters, Unknown State

Learning About the State as We Go

Unknown Parameters, Unknown State

“Propagation of error”

Bootstrap approaches to unknown parameters

Model Checking and Diagnostics

Model Checking by Comparisons

Summing Up

  1. With fixed state and fixed parameters, run the model forward multiple times to get multiple simulated trajectories
  2. With unknown state but fixed parameters, get an ensemble of states and go to (1)
    • Updating the state as we see more = data assimilation, often through the particle filter
  3. With unknown state and unknown parameters, get an ensemble of parameters and go to (2)
  4. Try to do model checking before investing lots of time into model-based forecasting

Backup: Visualizing Many Simulation Runs

Backup: Visualizing Many Simulation Runs

Backup: Visualizing Many Simulation Runs

Mean \(\pm 2\) standard deviations, at each value of \(t\)


Backup: Visualizing Many Simulation Runs

Median and high and low quantiles, at each value of \(t\)

Backup: Visualizing Many Simulation Runs

“Functional boxplots” (Sun and Genton 2011) or “curve boxplots” (Mirzargar, Whitaker, and Kirby 2014)


Glymour, Clark. 1980. Theory and Evidence. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Juul, Jonas L., Kaare Grll, Lasse Engbo Christiansen, and Sune Lehmann. 2020. “Fixed-Time Descriptive Statistics Underestimate Extremes of Epidemic Curve Ensembles.” E-print,

Koyama, Shinsuke, Lucia Castellanos Pérez-Bolde, Cosma Rohilla Shalizi, and Robert E. Kass. 2010. “Approximate Methods for State-Space Models.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 105:170–80.

Mayo, Deborah G. 1996. Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Mirzargar, Mahsa, Ross T. Whitaker, and Robert M. Kirby. 2014. “Curve Boxplot: Generalization of Boxplot for Ensembles of Curves.” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 20:2654–63.

Sun, Ying, and Marc G. Genton. 2011. “Functional Boxplots.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 20:316–34.