One of the fundamental problems with having a lot of data is finding what you’re looking for. This is called information retrieval.
The oldest approach is to have people create data about the data, metadata, to make it easier to find relevant items. Library catalogues are like this (Figure 1): people devise detailed category schemes for books, magazines, etc. For instance, a book has a title, one or more authors (possibly “anonymous” or pseudonyms), a publisher, a place of publication, a date of publication, an ISBN (if it’s recent enough), and its contents are noted as belonging to one or more subject topics, with a lot of work going in to designing the set of subject-matter topics. A magazine doesn’t have an author, it has multiple volumes with multiple dates, and it has an ISSN instead of an ISBN, if it has a number like that at all. (Nowadays some people call this sort of scheme an ontology.) Having fixed on a scheme like this, people would actually examine the objects, decide which categories they belong to, and write down that information along with their location on the shelves, and then copy this information so that it appeared in multiple places — by title, by author, by subject, etc. This worked OK for a few thousand years (better for the last few hundred, once people got really serious about it), but it needs people, who are slow and expensive and don’t scale. It’s not feasible for searching census records, or purchase histories at an online store, or the Web.
Figure 1: Example of metadata (from []). This is information about the book, which is not part of its actual contents. Notice that this is structured: every book in the catalogue will have a title, author(s), subject(s), a location, etc. All of this information is humanly-generated.
The next oldest approach is Boolean queries: things like “all the incomes of plumbers in Rhode Island with at least two children”. The first mechanical data-processing devices were invented in the late 1800s to do searches like this in census records (Cortada 1993), essentially to help governments keep track of their (citizens’) resources and needs (Beniger 1986). The same ideas got taken over into databases and information systems when those moved from being mechanical devices to digital, computational ones.
The advantages of a Boolean query system is that it’s very easy to program, it doesn’t need a lot of human intervention, and sometimes it’s exactly what you want to do, say if you’re taking a census. But there are disadvantages: most people don’t think in Boolean queries; it works best when it’s dealing with structured data, like census records, not unstructured data like most documents on the Web; and it’s got no sense of priority. Suppose you’re loking for a used car, thinking of buying a 2009-model-year Mustang, and want to know what problems they’re prone to. Imagine doing a Boolean search of the whole Web for “Mustang AND 2009 AND problems”. Some of those documents will be just what you want, but you’ll also get a lot about horses, about places named “Mustang”, about sports teams named “Mustangs”, and so on.
This is where searching by similarity comes in. Suppose you can find one Web page which is about problems in 2009-model Mustangs. We’re going to see, first, how you can tell your computer “find me more pages like this”. We will see later how you can avoid the step of initially lucking into the first page, and how you can use the same sort of trick to search other kinds of data — say images on the Web, or hospital patient records, or retail transactions, or telephone-call records.
To illustrate these ideas concretely, we’re going to use a part of the New York Times Annotated Corpus (Sandhaus 2008). This consists of 1.8×106 stories from the Times, from 1987 to 2007, which have been hand-annotated with metadata about their contents. (See Figure 2.) We are going to look at methods for information retrieval which do not use the metadata, but having it there will help us determine how well those methods are working. You’ve gotten to use a small part of this data set in the homework1.
Figure 2: Example of the structured meta-data provided with the New York Times Annotated Corpus
The crucial first step is to chose a representation of the data. There are multiple considerations here.
One of the more important bits of craft lore in data mining is that getting a good representation — trading these concerns off against each other — is at least as important as picking the right algorithms.
For today, we are searching for documents by similarity, so our data are natural-language documents.
We could try to represent the meaning of the documents. Look at Figure 2 again. The abstract reads “Chairs of the 1920s and 30s are featured at Johnson & Hicks, new home furnishing store in TriBeCa”. We could try to represent the meaning here in something like mathematical-logical2 notation:
is.a(Johnson&Hicks,store,type="home furnishing")
and then we’d probably want to go on to tell the system that chairs are a kind of furniture, where TriBeCa is, that chairs that old are a kind of vintage product, etc. If we could do this, there are tons of methods for automated deduction which we could use to find stories about displays of contemporary chairs, or vintage lamps, etc. The snag is that extracting this sort of meaning from the text alone, without using human readers, turns out to be insanely hard. People in artificial intelligence have been saying it’ll happen within the next twenty years since the 1950s; so we’ll wish them good luck and leave them to their work.
A less ambitious sort of representation which still tries to get more or less explicitly at meanings would be to draw up a big list of categories, and then go over the documents and check of which categories they fall in to. This is basically what the annotating meta-data does for the Times corpus. Social scientists sometimes do this and call it coding the documents (Franzosi 2004); they’ll often code for the emotional tone or valence as well. (This tends to be done with smaller, more focused sets of documents, so they can get away with smaller sets of categories.) Once we have this, our representation is a bunch of discrete variables, and there are lots of methods for analyzing discrete variables. But, again, extracting this sort of information automatically from the text is too hard for this to be useful to us3. In fact, the best automatic methods for this sort of thing use the bag-of-words representation which is coming up next.
We don’t know enough about how people extract meanings from texts to be able to automate it, but we do know that we extract meanings from texts — and different meanings from different texts4. This suggests that we should be able to use features or aspects of the text as proxies or imperfect signs of the actual meanings. And the text is right there in the computer already, so this should be easy. We just have to decide which textual features to use.
Think of what goes on in trying to distinguish between “mustang” the brand of car, “mustang” the wild animal, sports teams named “mustang”, towns named “mustang”, etc. Documents about all of these will of course contain the word “mustang”, so looking for that word wouldn’t help us tell them apart. However, the other words in the document will tend to differ. “Mustang” together with words like “automobile”, “wheels”, “engine”, “sedan” tends to indicate the car, whereas words like “score”, “rivals”, “game”, “coach”, etc., indicate a sports team. This suggests a very straightforward representation of the document: just list all the distinct words it contains.
That representation is actually a little too simple to work well in practice. The classic bag-of-words (BoW) representation is to list all of the distinct words in the document together with how often each one appears5. The name comes from imagining printing out the text, cutting the paper into little pieces so each word is on its own piece, and then throwing all the pieces into a bag. This is a definitely set of purely textual features (one per distinct word), and it’s not hard for us to calculate it automatically from the data. What remains to be seen is whether we can actually do useful work with this representation.
There are actually two different ways you could try to code up the bag-of-words, at least as I’ve described it so far. To illustrate this, let’s look at the full text of the story featured in Figure 2 and see how to turn it into a bag of words.
Lisa Weimer, right, opened her home furnishings store, Johnson & Hicks, in TriBeCa in September, and discovered her passion for chairs, especially those from the 1920’s and 30’s. “I love simple, clean lines and the richness of woods,” said Ms. Weimer, who was once a home furnishings buyer at Bergdorf Goodman.
A pair of French 1930’s walnut chairs with checkerboard backs, above, are $8,500; steel folding chairs from the 1930’s, originally used on a French ferry, are $575 each; tubular steel dining chairs upholstered in Ultrasuede, right, are 12 for $14,000. There are 500 chairs, and 100 tables. Johnson & Hicks is at 100 Hudson Street at Franklin Street. Information: (212) 966-4242.
Throwing away punctuation, and treating all numbers as just “#”, we get the word-counts in Table 1.
# 1920s 1930s a above
9 1 3 3 1
and are at backs bergdorf
4 3 3 1 1
buyer chairs checkerboard clean discovered
1 4 1 1 1
especially ferry folding for franklin
1 1 1 2 1
french from furnishings goodman her
2 2 2 1 2
hicks home hudson i in
2 2 1 1 2
information is johnson lines lisa
1 1 2 1 1
love ms of on once
1 1 2 1 1
opened originally pair passion richness
1 1 1 1 1
right said september simple steel
2 1 1 1 1
store street tables the there
1 2 1 3 1
those tribeca used walnut was
1 1 1 1 1
weimer who with woods
2 1 1 1
Table 1: Counts of the distinct words in the story, mapping all pure numbers to “#”.
There are (at least) two different data structures we could use to store this information. One is a list of key-value pairs, also known as an associative array, a dictionary or hash. The keys here would be the words, and the associated values would be the number of occurrences, or count, for each word. If a word does not appear in a document, that word is not one of its keys. Every document would have, in principle, its own set of keys. The order of the keys is entirely arbitrary; I printed them out alphabetically above, but it really doesn’t matter.
It turns out, however, that it is a lot more useful to implement bags of words as vectors. Each component of the vector corresponds to a different word in the total lexicon of our document collection, in a fixed, standardized order. The value of the component would be the number of times the word appears, possibly including zero.
We use this vector bag-of-words representation of documents for two big reasons:
To illustrate, I have, in the next code-chunk, taken ten random documents from the Times corpus — five of them about music, five about the arts (excluding music) — and turned them all into bag-of-words vectors6.
# Load functions for turning NYT Annotated Corpus documents into bag-of-word data
# frames Having a separate source file does go against the spirit of complete
# reproducibility somewhat, but this makes it easier for you to re-use the code,
# and I don't feel like writing a full-blown R package
# read.doc() reads a document in and extracts the body of the story as a vector
# of words in order strip.text() does some tidying up (e.g. removes punctuation
# marks) table() turns the vector of strings into a table of _counts_ of words
# table() is built-in to R, the others are from the provided code
music.1 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/music-0416371.xml")))
music.2 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/music-0430743.xml")))
music.3 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/music-0702928.xml")))
music.4 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/music-1343561.xml")))
music.5 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/music-1439011.xml")))
art.1 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/art-0437155.xml")))
art.2 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/art-1573733.xml")))
art.3 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/art-1590454.xml")))
art.4 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/art-1657584.xml")))
art.5 <- table(strip.text(read.doc("nyt_corpus_small/art-1812955.xml")))
small.bow <- make.BoW.frame(list(music.1, music.2, music.3, music.4, music.5, art.1,
art.2, art.3, art.4, art.5), row.names = c(paste("music", 1:5, sep = "."), paste("art",
1:5, sep = ".")))
There were 497 distinct word types in these ten documents (excluding “singletons” which only appeared in a single text). This means that each document is represented by a vector with 497 dimensions — that we have 497 features. Obviously I can’t show you these vectors, but I will show a few of these pieces (Table 2).
kable(small.bow[, c("a", "film", "members", "new", "old", "program", "programs",
"sale", "series", "said", "space", "time", "tuesday", "wife")])
a | film | members | new | old | program | programs | sale | series | said | space | time | tuesday | wife | |
music.1 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
music.2 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
music.3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
music.4 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 |
music.5 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
art.1 | 48 | 15 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
art.2 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
art.3 | 29 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
art.4 | 14 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 0 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
art.5 | 35 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 9 | 4 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 1 |
Table 2: A few columns of the bag-of-words vectors for the 10 example documents.
Things to notice:
Right now, we are interested in saying which documents are similar to each other because we want to do search by content. But measuring similarity — or equivalently measuring dissimilarity or distance — is fundamental to data mining. Most of what we will do will rely on having a sensible way of saying how similar to each other different objects are, or how close they are in some geometric setting. Getting the right measure of closeness will have a huge impact on our results.
This is where representing the data as vectors comes in so handy. We already know a nice way of saying how far apart two vectors are, the ordinary or Euclidean distance, which we can calculate with the Pythagorean formula: ‖ where x_i, y_i are the i^{\mathrm{th}} components of \vec{x} and \vec{y}. Remember that for bag-of-words vectors, each distinct word — each entry in the lexicon — is a component or feature.
(The Euclidean length or Euclidean norm of any vector is \| \vec{x} \| \equiv \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{p}{{x_i^2}}} so the distance between two vectors is the norm of their difference \vec{x} - \vec{y}. Equivalently, the norm of a vector is the distance from it to the origin, \vec{0}.)
Now, there are other ways of measuring distance between vectors. Another possibility is the taxicab or Manhattan distance \sum_{i=1}^{p}{|x_i - y_i|} It’s a perfectly good distance metric; it just doesn’t happen to work so well for our applications.
Just looking at the Euclidean distances between document vectors doesn’t work, at least if the documents are at all different in size. Instead, we need to normalize by document size, so that we can fairly compare short texts with long ones. There are (at least) two ways of doing this.
Divide the word counts by the total number of words in the document. In symbols, \vec{x} \mapsto \frac{\vec{x}}{\sum_{i=1}^{p}{x_i}} Notice that all the entries in the normalized vector are non-negative fractions, which sum to 1. The i^{\mathrm{th}} component is thus the probability that if we pick a word out of the bag at random, it’s the i^{\mathrm{th}} entry in the lexicon.
In the R code provided, there’s a function,
, which will take a matrix and divide each row by the sum of its entries, giving a new matrix where each row sums to 1. Applying this function before calculating distances is equivalent to normalizing by word count.
Divide the word counts by the Euclidean length of the document vector: \vec{x} \mapsto \frac{\vec{x}}{\| \vec{x} \|} For search, normalization by Euclidean length tends to work a bit better than normalization by word-count, apparently because the former de-emphasizes words which are rare in the document.
The accompanying R code provides a function
which similarly divides each row in a matrix by its Euclidean norm.
For our purposes, saying “there’s little distance between documents” is the same as saying “these documents are very similar”, so search and other data-mining applications often use measures of similarity rather than distance. One which has proved to work well is the “cosine similarity”, which is the normalized inner product between vectors: d_{\cos{}}{(\vec{x},\vec{y})} = \frac{\sum_{i}{x_i y_i}}{\| \vec{x}\| \|\vec{y}\|}
A natural idea is to improve our measure of distance (or similarity) by paying less attention to certain words, especially common words, and more to the rest. Not all features are going to be equally useful, and some words are so common that they give us almost no ability at all to discriminate between relevant and irrelevant documents. In (most) collections of English documents, looking at “the”, “of”, “a”, etc., is a waste of time7. We could handle this by a fixed list of stop words, which we just don’t count, but this at once too crude (all or nothing) and too much work (we need to think up the list).
Inverse document frequency (IDF) is a more adaptive approach. The document frequency of a w is the number of documents it appears in, n_w. The IDF weight of w is IDF(w) \equiv \log{\frac{n}{n_w}} where n is the total number of documents. Now when we make our bag-of-words vector for the document x, the number of times w appears in x, x_w, is multiplied by IDF(w). Notice that if w appears in every document, n_w = n and it gets an IDF weight of zero; we won’t use it to calculate distances. This takes care of most of the things we’d use a list of stop-words for, but it also takes into account, implicitly, the kind of documents we’re using. (In a collection of scientific papers on genetics, “gene” and “DNA” are going to have IDF weights of zero, or nearly zero.) On the other hand, if w appears in only a few documents, it will get a weight of about \log{n}, pushing all documents containing w closer to each other. (In a corpus of scientific-papers-in-general, “DNA” will have a positive IDF weight, pushing genetics papers together.)
You could tell a similar story about any increasing function of n/n_w, not just \log, but \log happens to work very well in practice, in part because it’s not very sensitive to the exact number of documents8. Notice also that using IDF is not guaranteed to help. Even if w appears in every document, so IDF(w) = 0, it might be common in some of them and rare in others, so we’ll ignore what might have been useful information. (Maybe genetics papers about laboratory procedures use “DNA” more often, and papers about hereditary diseases use “gene” more often, even though everyone uses both words.)
It is a lot easier to decide what counts as “a word” in English than in some other languages9. Even so, we need to decide whether “car” and “cars” are the same word, for our purposes, or not. Stemming takes derived forms of words (like “cars”, “flying”) and reduces them to their stem (“car”, “fly”). Doing this well requires linguistic knowledge (so the system doesn’t think the stem of “potatoes” is “potatoe”, or that “gravity” is the same as“`grave”), and it can even be harmful (“Mustang”, singular, is a lot more likely to refer to the animal than a sports team).
I’ve been pretty free with saying that things work or they don’t work, without being at all concrete about what I mean by “working”. We are going to see many, many different ways of elaborating on “working”, but for right now, a first cut is to look at which stories come closest to each story in our little collection:
## [1] "music.5" "music.5" "music.1" "music.5" "music.1" "art.5" "art.5"
## [8] "music.2" "music.4" "art.2"
(Notice that all but one of these are matched to a document in the same class.)
I am going to leave it as an exercise to you to re-do this, normalizing the vectors either by word-count or by Euclidean length.
Let’s step back and summarize how we’ve set ourselves up to search documents by content.
It’s important to note here that only steps (1) and (2) actually use the documents. Everything else after that uses only the feature vectors. In programming terms, we’d say that the feature vectors are an abstraction of the documents, and thereafter we’re working at the abstract level.
There are two reasons programmers use abstraction: convenience, and generalization. “Convenience” here means that we don’t have to keep dealing with the actual documents, just their representations, and we’re mathematically trained enough to find vectors convenient to work with. But “generalization” means that we can use the same tools for different objects, so long as they have the same kind of abstraction.
What that in turn means is that we haven’t just seen how to do similarity search for text documents. We’ve seen how to similarity search for images, music, social-network nodes, credit card transactions, phone calls, etc., etc. — for anything where we can represent in terms of feature vectors. This is the great power and attraction of abstraction. This is in fact why we can have a course on data mining in general, rather than many courses on data mining for text (what kind of text?), images (what kind of images?), music, credit-card transactions, etc., etc.
There are two big drawbacks to abstraction: the representation you’re using may not capture much (or any) useful information about the underlying items, and you can’t tell whether it is working well from the abstraction alone. Intuitively, the bag-of-words representation of documents feels like it should work better than the bag-of-letters representation, though the later would have only 26 dimensions and would in many ways be much more convenient. But they’re equally good vector-space representations, and nothing you do to the vectors will be able to tell you that words are a useful level of abstracting text for search, but letters are not. Nor is anything we do to the vectors alone going to tell us that we want to use, say, normalization by word-count and inverse document frequency weighting. To decide on the right representation, we need to be able to go back and connect the abstract feature vectors, or things we’ve calculated from them, to either the items themselves, or to other information about those items. Looking at whether the closest match to a story about art is another story about art is a first step towards that sort of checking.
Let’s summarize where we left similarity searching for documents. We represent each document as a bag of words, i.e., a vector giving the number of times each word occurred in the document. This abstracts away all the grammatical structure, context, etc., leaving us with a matrix whose rows are feature vectors, a data frame. To find documents which are similar to a given document Q, we calculate the distance between Q and all the other documents, i.e., the distance between their feature vectors.
If we have a document in hand which we like, and we want to find the k documents closest to it, we can do this once we know the distances between that document and all the others. But how can we get away from finding that one good document to begin with?
The trick is that a query, whether an actual sentence (“What are the common problems of the 2010 model year Mustang?”) or just a list of key words (“problems 2010 model Mustang”) is a small document. If we represent user queries as bags of words, we can use our similarity searching procedure on them. This is really all it takes, at least to get started.
Image search has historically been a much harder problem than text search, and remains so, for two reasons:
While a lot of progress has been made on devising features, especially for specific applications like facial recognition, coming up with the query remains harder. In some applications, users can supply an initial image (e.g., a photo of someone’s face), and then similarity search can take over. In others, where users can only provide a phrase, many systems still rely on doing text search for that phrase, and then taking any associated images (especially if the image appears close to the query terms). This can work but can also lead to comic and/or scandalous results; finding examples is left as an exercise for your browser.
When someone uses a search engine, they have some idea of which of the results are what they were looking for. In the jargon, we say that the good results were relevant to the query. There are actually two aspects to finding relevant documents, both of which are important:
In symbols, if the search returns k items, r of which are relevant, and there are R relevant items in the whole corpus of N items, the precision is the ratio r/k, and the recall is the ratio r/R. (This is for one query, but we can average over queries.) Notice that r \leq k, so there are limits on how high the recall can be when k is small. As we change k for a given query, we get different values for the precision and the recall. Generally, we expect that increasing k will increase recall (more relevant things can come in) but lower precision (more irrelevant things can come in, too). A good search method is one where the trade-off between precision and recall is not very sharp, where we can gain a lot of recall while losing on a little precision.
A visual way of representing the precision-recall trade-off is to plot precision (on the vertical axis) against recall (on the horizontal axis) for multiple values of k. If the method is working well, when k is small the precision should be high, though the recall will be limited by k; as k grows, the recall should increase, moving us to the right, but the recall will fall, moving us down. So the precision-recall curve should going from somewhere near (1,0) to somewhere near (0,1). The total area under the curve is often used as a measure of how good the search method is.
Of course, there is nothing magic about changing k; if we have a different search technique with a tunable setting, we can make a precision-recall curve for it, too.
The definitions of precision and recall may remind you of how we evaluated classifiers. This is no accident. Let’s say that relevant items are the positive class and irrelevant ones are the negative class. So the number of items returned is going to be the sum of the true and the false positives. The number of relevant items, on the other hand, is going to be the sum of the true positives and the false negatives. So \text{precision} = \frac{\text{true positives}}{\text{true positives}+\text{false positives}} = \text{positive predictive value} while \text{recall} = \frac{\text{true positives}}{\text{true positives} + \text{false negatives}} = 1-\text{false negative rate} In the theory of hypothesis testing, false positives are “type I” errors, while false negatives are “type II” errors. So recall is (one minus) the rate of type II errors; precision isn’t quite (one minus) the rate of type I errors, because the positive predictive value will also involve the baseline probability of being in the positive class (how many relevant items there are)10.
Some people like to evaluate classifiers by looking at precision-recall curves, rather than false positive rate-false negative rate curves. Either way, the idea of looking at the curve comes from signal detection theory, where they are called receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.
Of course, there’s nothing which says we have to use similarity to the query text as the only criterion for deciding what to return to the user. We can also use, among other things:
In practice, the only way to tell whether your search-engine’s results are relevant is to ask actual people (Figure 3). The major services do this with lab experiments, with special browsers given to testers to ask quiz them on whether the results were relevant, and by taking random samples of their query log and having testers repeat the queries to see whether the results were relevant. Naturally, this use of human beings is slow and expensive, especially because the raters have to be trained, so the amount of this data is limited — and they are very reluctant to share it.
Figure 3: Search-engine evaluation in practice. (Source)
Notice, by the way, that when dealing with something like the web, or indeed any large collection where users give arbitrary queries, it is a lot easier to estimate precision than recall (how do you find R, the number of genuinely relevant documents in the whole corpus?).
People are much better at telling whether you’ve found what they’re looking for than they are at explaining what it is that they’re looking for. (They know it when they see it.) Queries are users trying to explain what they’re looking for (to a computer, no less), so they’re often pretty bad. An important idea in data mining is that people should do things at which they are better than computers and vice versa: here they should be deciders, not explainers. In information retrieval, Rocchio’s algorithm takes feedback from the user, about which documents were relevant, and then refines the search, giving more weight to what they like, and less to what they don’t like.
The user gives the system some query, whose bag-of-words vector is Q_t. The system responses with various documents, some of which the user marks as relevant (R) and others as not-relevant (NR). (See Figure 3 again.) The system then modifies the query vector: Q_{t+1} = \alpha Q_t + \frac{\beta}{|R|}\sum_{\mathrm{doc} \in R}{\mathrm{doc}} - \frac{\gamma}{|NR|}\sum_{\mathrm{doc}\in NR}{\mathrm{doc}} where |R| and |NR| are the number of relevant and non-relevant documents, and \alpha, \beta and \gamma are positive constants. \alpha says how much continuity there is between the old search and the new one; \beta and \gamma gauge our preference for recall (we find more relevant items) versus precision (more of what we find is relevant). The system then runs another search with Q_{t+1}, and cycle starts over. As this repeats, Q_t gets closer to the bag-of-words vector which best represents what the user has in mind, assuming they have something definite and consistent in mind.
(A word can’t appear in a document a negative number of times, so ordinarily bag-of-words vectors have non-negative components. Q_t, however, can easily come to have negative components, indicating the words whose presence is evidence that the document isn’t relevant. Recalling the example of problems with used 2010 Mustang cars, we probably don’t want anything which contains “baskets” or “herds”, since it’s either about sports or animals, and giving our query negative components for those words suppresses those documents.)
The exact same principle can be used for all sorts of implicit feedback. If the user opens a document, spends time with it, “engages” with it, etc., those are all signals that the document is relevant, and so the query should be refined to give more like that, and less like rejected items, or ones which are left after only a brief engagement. In fact, the same principle can be, and is, used in recommendation engines, where we represent the user as a “query” in the space of items to be recommended, and adjust that vector to be more like the items the user engages with, and less like the items the user rejects. Going still further, if the user is deemed similar to other users, their explicit or implicit feedback can be used to shape the original user’s Q vector.
Do not turn these in, but do think them through.
Manning, Raghavan, and Schütze (2008) is still a very good introduction to information retrieval.
Beniger, James. 1986. The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Cortada, James W. 1993. Before the Computer: IBM, Ncr, Burroughs, and Remington Rand and the Industry They Created, 1865–1956. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Franzosi, Roberto. 2004. From Words to Numbers: Narrative, Data, and Social Science. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Manning, Christopher D., Prabhakar Raghavan, and Hinrich Schütze. 2008. Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Özgür, Levent, Tunga Güngör, and Fikret Gürgen. 2004. “Adaptive Anti-Spam Filtering for Agglutinative Languages: A Special Case for Turkish.” Pattern Recognition Letters 25:1819–31.
Page, Lawrence, Sergey Brin, Rajeev Motwani, and Terry Winograd. 1999. “The Pagerank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web.” Technical Report 1999-66. Stanford University InfoLab.
Richards, I. A. 1929. Practical Criticism: A Study of Literary Judgment. London: Kegan Paul.
Sandhaus, Evan. 2008. “The New York Times Annotated Corpus.” Philadelphia: Electronic database; Linguistic Data Consortium.
The metadata and annotations are in a language called XML. You will not have to learn it, but it’s a useful skill if you’re going to be doing a lot of data mining with stuff scraped from the Web, or from certain sorts of semi-structured data.↩
Or the venerable programming language LISP, which is almost logic.↩
With modern interactive websites, you can sometimes persuade your users to code documents (or images) by attaching “tags” to them. These can be surprisingly useful, but you are relying on strangers, and such “folksonomies” have self-consistency issues that more formalized ontologies lack. (If a novel is tagged “sf”, does that tag have the same meaning as “science fiction” or “San Francisco” or something else?)↩
Conversely, different people extract different meanings from the same texts, raising another set of issues, which we will ignore (though see Richards (1929)).↩
A bit of jargon is actually useful here. The bag-of-words vector has an entry for each word type, and that entry counts the number of tokens of that word. For example, this document (currently!) contains 7 tokens of the word type “metadata”.↩
You’ve gotten these documents, and more, in an earlier problem set, but already parsed into a nice data frame. This code does the raw work of creating such a data frame.↩
A possible exception is in stylometry, where we try to assign documents to authors by looking at subtle variations in word choice or other writing habits.↩
So this is not the same \log we will see later in information theory, or the \log in psychophysics.↩
For example, Turkish is what is known as an “aggulutinative” language, in which grammatical units are “glued” together to form compound words whose meaning would be a whole phrase or sentence in English, e.g., gelemiyebelirim, “I may be unable to come”, yapabilecekdiyseniz, “if you were going to be able to do”, or calistirilmamaliymis, “supposedly he ought not to be made to work”. (Strictly speaking, agglutination is more of a spectrum than a binary feature of languages: Chinese does hardly any, English does a little, German does more, Turkish does a lot.) This causes problems with Turkish-language applications of text mining, because many sequences-of-letters-separated-by-punctuation are effectively unique. See, for example, Özgür, Güngör, and Gürgen (2004).↩
The positive predictive value is P(Y=1|\hat{Y}=1) = \frac{P(Y=1, \hat{Y}=1)}{P(\hat{Y}=1)} = \frac{P(\hat{Y}=1|Y=1)P(Y=1)}{P(\hat{Y}=1,Y=1) + P(\hat{Y}=1,Y=0)} = \frac{P(\hat{Y}=1|Y=1)P(Y=1)}{P(\hat{Y}=1|Y=1)P(Y=1) + P(\hat{Y}=1|Y=0)P(Y=0)} = \frac{(1-FNR)P(Y=1)}{(1-FNR)P(Y=1) + FPR \times P(Y=0)} = \frac{1}{1+ \frac{FPR \times P(Y=0)}{(1-FNR)P(Y=1)}}. So if the false positive rate goes down, then, all else being equal, the positive predictive value (=precision) will go up, but this will also depend on P(Y=1), the FNR, etc.↩
See the original paper, Page et al. (1999). In words, a webpage got higher pagerank the more links it received from other pages with high pagerank. This sounds circular, but it’s actually just setting up an eigenvalue problem, \vec{r} = \mathbf{a} \vec{r}. The matrix \mathbf{a} was basically an adjacency matrix, with a_{ij}=1 if there was an edge from webpage i to webpage j. (I say “basically” because there was a small hack to the matrix to handle pages with no outgoing links.) One of the original claims for pagerank was that it was going to be almost impossible to manipulate, but this proved a bit optimistic: it turned out to be fairly easy for spammers to create large collections of webpages which all pointed to each other…↩