Nearest Neighbors III — Mostly Computational


  1. Wrap-up on k selection
  2. Computational costs of naive implementation of kNN
  3. Fast, approximate kNN search

Selecting k

A general trade-off to model selection

For cross-validation

For kNN

Computational costs of naive implementation

How expensive is it to run kNN?

Why is it \(O(n)\)?

Using fewer data points

Faster distance computation

Pre-selecting possible neighbors

Data structures: \(k-d\) trees

Using a \(k-d\) tree

Why is a \(k-d\) tree fast?

EXERCISE: How many levels do we need to go down to reach \(\approx k\) candidate neighbors?

Why is a \(k-d\) tree fast?

SOLUTION: Set \(n 2^{-d}\) to \(k\) and solve: \[\begin{eqnarray} n 2^{-d} & = & k\\ \log_2{n} - d & =& \log_2{k}\\ d & = & \log_2{n/k} \end{eqnarray}\]

Building the \(k-d\) tree (one approach)

Locality-sensitive hashing

The random-hyperplane hash

The random-hyperplane hash (cont’d)

The random-inner-product hash

The cluster hash

Some common threads to the LSH techniques

Wrapping up




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