Cosma Shalizi

Areas of Interest

This is a somewhat telegraphic list of my current projects, and ideas for projects. It's primarily intended for my students and potential students. Ones marked with initials have collaborators already, though if you find the idea interesting, don't hesitate to bring it up.

NOTE: I am not taking on any new students until the 2018--2019 academic year at the earliest.

Using mis-specified models

Networks: structure

Networks: dynamics

Unidentified models

Learning theory for stochastic processes

Predictive-state reconstruction

Relevant papers: arxiv:cond-mat/9907176, arxiv:math.PR/0305160, arxiv:cs.LG/0406011, arxiv:nlin.AO/0409024, arxiv:nlin.CG/0508001, arxiv:1001.0036

Exponential families of stochastic processes


Thomson's "sampling" model of psychological abilities

Large deviations

Individual sequence learning

Networks of information flow in neural (and other) systems

Relevant papers: arxiv:q-bio.NC/0506009, arxiv:q-bio.NC/0609008

Simulation-based inference

Especially indirect inference

Power-law distributions

Relevant paper: arxiv:0706.1062

Sufficiency and process characterization

Density estimation on graphical models

Neutral model of inquiry