Nonparametric kernel smoothing methods for mixed data types

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-- B --

bw Cross Country Growth Panel
bw.all Cross-Sectional Data on Wages
bw.subset Cross-Sectional Data on Wages

-- C --

cps71 Canadian High School Graduate Earnings

-- G --

gradients Extract Gradients

-- I --

Italy Italian GDP Panel

-- N --

np Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing Methods for Mixed Data Types
npcdens Kernel Conditional Density and Distribution Estimates with Mixed Data Types
npcdensbw Kernel Conditional Density Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types
npcdist Kernel Conditional Density and Distribution Estimates with Mixed Data Types
npcmstest Kernel Consistent Model Specification Test with Mixed Data Types
npconmode Kernel Modal Regression with Mixed Data Types
npindex Semiparametric Single Index Model
npindexbw Semiparametric Single Index Model Parameter and Bandwidth Selection
npksum Kernel Sums with Mixed Data Types
npplot General Purpose Plotting of Nonparametric Objects
npplreg Partially Linear Kernel Regression with Mixed Data Types
npplregbw Partially Linear Kernel Regression Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types
npqcmstest Kernel Consistent Quantile Regression Model Specification Test with Mixed Data Types
npqreg Kernel Quantile Regression with Mixed Data Types
npreg Kernel Regression with Mixed Data Types
npregbw Kernel Regression Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types
npscoef Smooth Coefficient Kernel Regression
npscoefbw Smooth Coefficient Kernel Regression Bandwidth Selection
npseed Set Random Seed
npsigtest Kernel Regression Significance Test with Mixed Data Types
npudens Kernel Density and Distribution Estimation with Mixed Data Types
npudensbw Kernel Density Bandwidth Selection with Mixed Data Types
npudist Kernel Density and Distribution Estimation with Mixed Data Types

-- O --

oecdpanel Cross Country Growth Panel

-- S --

se Extract Standard Errors

-- U --

uocquantile Compute Quantiles

-- W --

wage1 Cross-Sectional Data on Wages