JULY 21/24 - 1998
IFCS - 98
The program should be of interest to anyone concerned in classification,
data analysis and computational issues in the broad sense and in as wide a
range of applications as possible.
Included in the program will be:
(Please classify the paper in one of the following categories)
Classification Theory
Multivariate Data Analysis
Multiway Data Analysis
Proximity Structure Analysis
Software Developments for Classification
Applied Classification and Data Analysis in Social, Economic, Medical and other Sciences
There will be a software demonstration and book exhibition of professional
vendors in the conference building.
A book of the proceedings of the Conference will be published by an
international publisher and a book of all short papers (maximum 4 pages)
will also be published.
Any resercher desiring to present a paper to IFCS-98 must submit a short
paper (maximum 4 pages) following the guidelines for short papers below.
This short paper will represent an abstract of the paper eventually
published in the proceedings.
The short paper should be typed, in English, on white paper (A4 format, 21 (29.7 cm), one side only, single-spaced, double-justified throughout (including references) with 3.5 cm margins on each side and submitted as a camera-ready paper. Times New Roman 12 points fonts size should be used (28pt=1cm). Number all pages consecutively with an erasable pencil. The manuscript should contain in this order and on separate lines:
Submission of short papers | 15 October 1997 |
Notification to authors | 15 November 1997 |
First program and registration | 10 January 1998 |
Submission of full paper for refereeing | 15 January 1998 |
Final version of full paper | 15 April 1998 |
There will be a full program of social events including Welcome Reception,
Concert, Dinner and Excursions.
This important international event will take place under the auspices of
the International Federation of Classification Societies.
Previous conferences were organised in:
The International Federation of Classification Societies includes the following Classification Societies and Groups:
The IFCS serves as an agency for the dissemination of technical and
scientific information concerning classification and data analysis in
the broad sense and in as wide a range of applications as possible.
Scientific Program Committee
Arabie P. (USA)
Bacelar-Nicolau H. (Portugal)
Barthèlemy J. P. (France)
Batagelj V. (Slovenia)
Bryant P. G. (USA)
Bock H. H. (Germany)
Carroll J. D. (USA)
Coppi R. (Italy)
Gaul W. (Germany)
Gordon A. D. (UK)
Gower J. (UK)
Hayashi C. (Japan)
Heiser W. J. (The Netherlands)
Jajuga K. (Poland)
Lauro C. (Italy)
Lebart L. (France)
Lee J. G. (Korea)
Meulman J. J. (The Netherlands)
Ohsumi N. (Japan)
Rasson J. P. (Belgium)
Rizzi A. (chairman) (Italy).
National Organising Committee
Aureli E.
Battaglia F.
Bellacicco A.
Bolasco S.
Bove G.
Biggeri L.
Burgio G.
Cecchi C.
Coli M.
Crescimanni A.
D'Ambra L.
D'Arcangelo E.
De Antoni F.
Di Ciaccio A.
Fabbris L.
Fraire M.
Galmacci G.
Gesano G.
Giorgi G. M.
Girone G.
Guarini R.
La Tona L.
Latorre G.
Leti G.
Lo Cascio M.
Lovison G.
Lunetta G.
Marliani G.
Mineo A.
Monari P.
Montinaro M.
Mussino A.
Ottaviani M. G.
Pesarin F.
Romanazzi M.
Salinetti G.
Siciliano R.
Simeone B.
Vichi M.
Zani S.
Zuliani A.
Dpt Statistica, Probabilita' e Statistiche Applicate
Universita' La Sapienza di Roma - P.le A.Moro, 5
00185 Roma - ITALY -
Fax: +39 6 4959241