36-905: Seminar on Sampling and Inference Mini A2, Fall 2008 Instructors: Steve Fienberg, Statistics Brian Junker, Statistics 132G Baker Hall 132E Baker Hall 268-2723 268-8874 fienberg@stat.cmu.edu brian@stat.cmu.edu Office hours immediately after class or by appointment. Please call or send email to arrange for a specific time. This seminar meets MW 02:30PM--03:50PM, in 232Q Baker This seminar is a reading club on the topics of survey sampling and inference. Papers will be suggested by both the instructors and the seminar participants, and assigned to participants to present. All seminar participants are expected to read the papers and bring interesting questions or observations on the readings to each seminar meeting. There are no recommended or required books for this course. Reasonable background reading for this course might include: Groves, R. M., Fowler, F. J. Jr., Couper, M. P., Lepkowski, J. M., Singer, E. and Tourangeau, R. (2004). Survey Methodology (paperback). New York: Wiley. ISBN: 978-0471483489. ($58.10 at Amazon.com) Converse, J. M. & Presser, S. (1986). Survey Questions: Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire (paperback). Sage Publications Inc. ISBN: 978-0803927438. ($14.42 at Amazon.com) Kalton, G. (1983). Introduction to Survey Sampling (paperback). Sage Publications, Inc. ISBN: 978-0803921269. ($16.61 at Amazon.com) Lohr, S. (1999). Sampling: Design And Analysis. (hardcover). Duxbury Press. ISBN: 978-0534353612. ($143.00 at Amazon.com) We will spend at least part of the time considering material from Sarndal, C.E. Swensson, B. and Wertman, J.(1992) Model Assisted Survey Sampling, Spring-Verlag, New York. A syllabus might eventually be available here. Until we get organized with papers, here's a general "dump" of papers that we will be considering: papers N.b., the papers and things contained under the above links are only tentative for now. Some reformulation will occur over the next several days. -BJ