36-726: Statistical Practice
Spring 2007

Tentative Schedule:

MWF 1:30 - 2:20, BH231B

Course Web Page: 

Basic links for the course:

* Class syllabus.

* homework assignments.

* handouts.

* Papers not available on jstor.

Brian W. Junker          
Department of Statistics
132E Baker Hall        
(412) 268-2718 or 8874

[feel free to contact me with inquiries, suggestions, etc.]


Statistical practice is about working with a client (scientific
collaborator) to understand his/her scientific questions, analyze data
relevant to those questions, and provide reports to various audiences
with different needs (primarily your client, your peers, and me).

Your team of two or three students will work on the on problems
brought in by our clients last fall.  Each team will work with one
client on one project for the term; at the end of the term each team
will present its project/results to the class and produce a written
research report for the investigator (and the instructors),
summarizing the work that they've done.

This course aims to help you develop your skills so that you will be
able to:

* Determine the nature of an investigator's question, and a good
  way to formulate it statistically;

* Focus listening and speaking on important statistical issues;

* Write about statistics for people who will use what you have

In addition, we will read and discuss various ethical, practical, and
interpersonal aspects of consulting so that you can develop your own
sense of values as a practicing statistician.

Further information about course activities is in the syllabus, homework
assignments, and handouts.


For data analysis you are expected to do a semesters' worth of work.
Sometimes this will result in completely answering one or more of your
client's scientific questions; more often it will be enough to provide
your client with valuable "food for thought" but no final answers.

Otherwise you are expected to participate in class and in group meetings,
and work to improve your written and oral communication skills.

If you make a full effort in these two areas, you will end up with an 
A for the course.  If you work in these two areas but not with full 
effort, you will most likely get a B.  If you don't do satisfactory
work, you will get an I (incomplete) or C (fail). 


The course is open only to any graduate students in Statistics who were
assigned a project in 36-701 during Fall 2006.  Any other students must
have my permission to register for or stay in the class.