36-720: Discrete Multivariate Analysis
Second Mini, Fall 2004

Instructor:			Grader:
Brian Junker, Statistics	Cari Kaufman, Statistics
132E Baker Hall			60D Baker Hall
268-8874			268-6276
brian@stat.cmu.edu		cgk@stat.cmu.edu

Office Hours:			Office Hours:
Right after class.		3:30-4:30 Wednesdays 
(or by appointment).		  in BH coffee lounge.
				(or by appointment).

Text: Agresti, Alan. (2002). Categorical Data Analysis. NY: Wiley.  ISBN:

This course meets 12:00 - 1:20 in Hamburg Hall 1003

A syllabus can be found here.

Some miscellaneous handouts will be kept here, and
you can find data here and code examples here.

Materials from lectures (if I have any to share) each week will be 
stored below:

   week01   hw01
   week02   hw02
   week03   hw03
   week06   hw04

   Files for the final take-home/problem set.

Stay tuned...