Description: The wages.dat datafile contains 534 observations on 11 variables sampled from the Current Population Survey of 1985. EDUCATION: Number of years of education. SOUTH: Indicator variable for Southern Region (1=Person lives in South, 0=Person lives elsewhere). SEX: Indicator variable for sex (1=Female, 0=Male). EXPERIENCE: Number of years of work experience. UNION: Indicator variable for union membership (1=Union member, 0=Not union member). WAGE: Wage (dollars per hour). AGE: Age (years). RACE: Race (1=Other, 2=Hispanic, 3=White). OCCUPATION: Occupational category (1=Management, 2=Sales, 3=Clerical, 4=Service, 5=Professional, 6=Other). SECTOR: Sector (0=Other, 1=Manufacturing, 2=Construction). MARR: Marital Status (0=Unmarried, 1=Married)